For All Practical Purposes continues to evolve in great part because of our many friends and colleagues who have offered suggestions, comments, and corrections. We are grateful to them all.
Michael Allen, Glendale Community College
Hamid Attarzadeh, Kentucky Community and Technical College System
Robert J. Bass, Gardner-Webb University
Debra D. Bryant, Tennessee Technological University
Annette M. Burden, Youngstown State University
Christine Cedzo, Gannon University
Gina Poore Dunn, Lander University
Dennis Evans, Concordia University
Kevin Ferland, Bloomsburg University
Gregory Goeckel, Presbyterian College
Doug Greiner, Rogers State University
Samuel S. Gross, Bloomsburg University
Patricia Humphrey, Georgia Southern University
Jamie L. King, Arkansas Tech University
Jay Malmstrom, Oklahoma City Community College
Paul McCombs, Rock Valley College
Linda McGuire, Muhlenberg College
Amanda Nutt, Western Kentucky University
Jacquelyn O’Donohoe, Plymouth State University
Daniel Pinzon, Georgia Gwinnett College
Stacy Reagan, Caldwell Community College
David Shannon, Transylvania University
Sharon Sullivan, Catawba College
Susan Toma, Madonna University
Kim Y. Ward, Eastern Connecticut State University
Weicheng Xuan, Arizona Western College
We owe our appreciation to the people at W. H. Freeman and Company who participated in the development and production of this edition. We wish especially to thank the editorial staff for their tireless efforts and support. Among them are Terri Ward, Publisher; Leslie Lahr and Jorge Amaral, Development Editors; Laura Judge, Executive Media Editor; Marie Dripchak, Associate Editor; Victoria Garvey, Editorial Assistant; Vivien Weiss, Senior Project Editor; Susan Wein, Production Supervisor; Matthew McAdams, Art Manager; Blake Logan, Cover Designer; Cecilia Varas and Nick Ciani, Photo Editors; Jennifer MacMillan, Felicia Ruocco, and Hilary Newman, Permissions; Patti Brecht and Laura Cooney, copyeditors; Edward Dionne, Project Manager, MPS Limited.
We’d also like to give special thanks to the authors of the ancillaries to accompany this tenth edition: Lauren Fern, University of Montana, Instructor’s Guide with Full Solutions and Student Solutions Manual; Doug Greiner, Rogers State University, Teaching Guide for First-Time Instructors and Student Study Guide; Hee Seok Nam, Washburn University, Practice Quizzes and Test Bank; Kathy Rodgers, University of Southern Indiana, Clicker Questions and Lecture Slides.
Through ten editions, this text has been used by well over a million students. When we first suggested our new approach, we were turned down by every major (and minor) textbook publisher. Only W. H. Freeman, under the leadership of Linda Chaput and the faith of mathematics editor Jerry Lyons, was willing to take a chance. That chance has permanently changed the face of introductory undergraduate mathematics. Words cannot express the gratitude we feel for the staffs of W. H. Freeman and COMAP and for the authors past and present through these almost 30 years. To them and everyone who made our purposes practical, we offer our appreciation for an exciting and exhilarating ride.
Solomon Garfunkel, COMAP