Suggested Readings

BLACK, DUNCAN. The Theory of Committees and Elections, Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1986. The historical highlights and development of voting methods in the 19th and 20th centuries are traced in this economist’s volume.

BRAMS, STEVEN J., and PETER C. FISHBURN. Approval Voting, Birkhäuser, Boston, 1983. This volume is a research-level work on development in the recently popular (but rediscovered) method now called approval voting. The first chapter, however, is an elementary exposition of this voting method and its uses.

SAARI, DONALD G. Chaotic Elections! A Mathematician Looks at Voting, American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I., 2001. This expository book begins with the 2000 presidential election and discusses a number of paradoxical results in voting.

SZPIRO, GEORGE G. Numbers Rule: The Vexing Mathematics of Democracy, from Plato to the Present, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., 2010. The subtitle says it all—a very enjoyable read.

TAYLOR, ALAN D., and ALLISON M. PACELLI. Mathematics and Politics: Strategy, Voting, Power, and Proof, 2d ed., Springer-Verlag, New York, 2008. Chapters 1 and 7 give an expanded treatment of the topics considered here, with proofs included. This book is also intended for nonmath majors.

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