Elimination of agriculture export subsidies
Reduction of agricultural tariffs
Duty-free, quota-free access for 97% of goods originating in the world’s least developed countries
Are there gains or losses to the large country, or is it ambiguous? What is the impact on domestic prices for agriculture and on the world price?
Suppose a small food-importing country abroad responds to the lowered subsidies by lowering its tariffs on agriculture by the same amount. Are there gains or losses to the small country, or is it ambiguous? Explain.
Suppose a large food-importing country abroad reciprocates by lowering its tariffs on agricultural goods by the same amount. Are there gains or losses to this large country, or is it ambiguous? Explain.
What is the quantity exported under free trade and with the export subsidy?
Calculate the effect of the export subsidy on consumer surplus, producer surplus, and government revenue.
Calculate the overall net effect of the export subsidy on Home welfare.
Relative to the small-country case, why does the new domestic price increase by less than the amount of the subsidy?
Calculate the effect of the export subsidy on consumer surplus, producer surplus, and government revenue.
Calculate the overall net effect of the export subsidy on Home welfare. Is the large country better or worse off as compared to the small country with the export subsidy? Explain.
What is the quantity exported with the production subsidy?
Calculate the effect of the production subsidy on consumer surplus, producer surplus, and government revenue.
Calculate the overall net effect of the production subsidy on Home welfare. Is the cost of the production subsidy more or less than the cost of the export subsidy for the small country? Explain.
Explain why the WTO is more concerned with the use of direct export subsidies than production subsidies in achieving the same level of domestic support.
What is the Nash equilibrium of this game?
Are there multiple equilibria? If so, explain why. Hint: Guess at an equilibrium and then check whether either firm would want to change its action, given the action of the other firm. Remember that Boeing can change only its own action, which means moving up or down a column, and likewise, Airbus can change only its own action, which means moving back or forth on a row.
What is the minimum amount of subsidy that Airbus must receive when it produces small aircraft to ensure that outcome as the unique Nash equilibrium?
Is it worthwhile for the European government to undertake this subsidy?
What is the effect of the sales tax on the quantity of cigarette exports from the United States? Hint: Your answer should parallel the case of production subsidies but for a consumption tax instead.
How does the change in exports, if any, due to the sales tax compare with the effect of an export subsidy on cigarettes?
Refer to Problem 9. Based on your answer there, would foreign countries have a reason to object to the use of a sales tax on cigarettes by the United States? Based on your knowledge of the GATT/WTO provisions (see Side Bar: Key Provisions of the GATT in Chapter 8), are foreign countries entitled to object to the use of such a tax?
To improve national welfare, a large country would do better to implement an export subsidy rather than an import tariff. Is this true or false? Explain why.
Who gains and who loses when governments in Europe and the United States provide subsidies to Airbus and Boeing?
Provide motivations for the use of export subsidies. Does your answer depend on whether firms compete under perfect or imperfect competition?