
A book like this would not be possible without the assistance of many people, which we gratefully acknowledge.

First, the renowned team at Worth has spared no effort to help us; their experience and skill in publishing economics textbooks were invaluable. Numerous individuals have been involved with this project, but we must give special mention to a few: the project has been continually and imaginatively guided by acquisitions editor Sarah Dorger, publisher Chuck Linsmeier, development editor Bruce Kaplan, and by marketing manager Tom Digiano, who successfully brought the book to market. Through it all, the manuscript was improved endlessly by our primary development editor, Jane Tufts. We are greatly in their debt.

We have also relied on the assistance of a number of graduate students in collecting data for applications, preparing problems, and proofreading material. We would like to thank Leticia Arroyo Abad, Chang Hong, David Jacks, Alyson Ma, Ahmed Rahman, Seema Sangita, Radek Szulga, and Yingying Xu for their assistance. We are especially grateful to Benjamin Mandel, who has worked on many of the international trade chapters in the first edition; to Philip Luck, who worked on all the chapters xxxiii in the second edition; and to Charles Liao, who worked on all the trade chapters in the third edition. Thanks also go to Christian Broda, Colin Carter, Michele Cavallo, Menzie Chinn, Sebastian Edwards, Ann Harrison, Mervyn King, Philip Lane, Karen Lewis, Christopher Meissner, Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti, Michael Pakko, Ugo Panizza, Giovanni Peri, Eswar Prasad, Andrés Rodríguez-Clare, Jay Shambaugh, and Martin Wolf for providing data used in some of the applications and examples.

Special thanks go to Professor Francis Ahking, University of Conneticut, who once again carefully reviewed the page proofs of the entire book.

We have taught the chapters of this book ourselves several times, and have benefited from the feedback of colleagues. For the third edition, we benefited from the suggestions of the following instructors:

For the third edition, we had a wonderful response to a survey focused on our supplements. We want to thank all of the survey respondents:

For the second edition, we benefited from the suggestions of the following reviewers:

We would like to thank the following instructors for sharing their ideas with us in the development of the first edition. These colleagues were enthusiastic about the reception of their students to our fresh approach.

A huge number of colleagues were very helpful in reviewing the first-edition manuscript. We wish to thank the following reviewers:

We received useful feedback from focus group participants. We would like to thank the following individuals:

We would like to thank the following individuals who provided feedback on the initial preliminary version of the first edition of our text:

We would like to thank the following instructors who have aided us in the preparation and extensive review of the ancillary package. This list of contributors and reviewers is comprehensive of those who have contributed across editions at this time and will continue to grow as new resources are developed.

We would also like to thank our families, especially Claire and Gail, for their sustained support during the time we have devoted to writing this book.

Finally, you will see an accompanying picture of children in Ciudad Darío, Nicaragua, with their teacher, in the classroom of a small schoolhouse that was built for them by Seeds of Learning (, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving educational opportunities in rural Latin America. A portion of the royalties from this book go toward supporting the work of Seeds of Learning.

Sixth-grade class with their teacher in La Carreta #2 school in Ciudad Darío, Nicaragua.
James Hall
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