This article argues that offshoring by multinational companies supports an increase in jobs at home, and that these jobs would be lost by policies to restrict offshoring.
Deep in the president’s budget released Monday [February 1, 2010] appear a set of proposals headed “Reform U.S. International Tax System.” If these proposals are enacted, U.S.-based multinational firms will face $122.2 billion in tax increases over the next decade. This is a natural follow-
The fundamental assumption behind these proposals is that U.S. multinationals expand abroad only to “export” jobs out of the country. Thus, taxing their foreign operations more would boost tax revenues here and create desperately needed U.S. jobs. This is simply wrong. These tax increases would not create American jobs, they would destroy them.
Academic research, including most recently that done by Harvard’s Mihir Desai and Fritz Foley and University of Michigan’s James Hines, has consistently found that expansion abroad by U.S. multinationals tends to support jobs based in the U.S. More investment and employment abroad are strongly associated with more investment and employment in American parent companies.
When parent firms based in the U.S. hire workers in their foreign affiliates, the skills and occupations of these workers are often complementary; they aren’t substitutes. More hiring abroad stimulates more U.S. hiring. For example, as Wal-
Expanding abroad also allows firms to refine their scope of activities. For example, exporting routine production means that employees in the U.S. can focus on higher value-
Consider total employment spanning 1988 through 2007 (the most recent year of data available from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis). Over that time, employment in affiliates rose by 5.3 million—
The major policy challenge facing the U.S. today is not just to create jobs, but to create high-
These two groups of firms accounted for the majority of the post-
To climb out of the recession, we need to create millions of the kinds of jobs that U.S. multinationals tend to create. Economic policy on all fronts should be encouraging job growth by these firms. The proposed international-
Source: Matthew J. Slaughter, “How to Destroy American Jobs,” Wall Street Journal, February 3, 2010, p. A17.
Questions to Consider
After reading How to Destroy American Jobs, consider the question(s) below. Then “submit” your response.
1. Why do you think there is such a misconception about the impact of offshoring on domestic jobs?
2. The Headline refers to Wal-