- Go the BEA website ( Find the latest annual balance of payments data for the United States.
- Compute income earned on (1) external assets and (2) income paid on external liabilities.
- Find the latest net international investment position data for the United States. Compute (3) external assets and (4) external liabilities for the end of the prior year.
- Divide (1) by (3) and then divide (2) by (4) to find the implied rates of interest on external assets and liabilities. Is the United States still privileged?
- To learn more about the aid debate, download some of the conflicting arguments made by two prominent figures: Jeffrey Sachs and William Easterly (search: sachs easterly). See, for example, their “Foreign Aid Face Off” in the Los Angeles Times (, April 30, 2006, and May 7, 2006). See also Nicholas Kristof, “Aid: Can It Work?” New York Review of Books, October 5, 2006. After weighing all these arguments, do you feel more or less optimistic about what aid can achieve?