A book like this would not be possible without the assistance of many people, which we gratefully acknowledge.
First, the renowned team at Worth has spared no effort to help us; their experience and skill in publishing economics textbooks were invaluable. Numerous individuals have been involved with this project, but we must give special mention to a few: the project has been continually and imaginatively guided by acquisitions editor Sarah Dorger, publisher Chuck Linsmeier, development editor Bruce Kaplan, and by marketing manager Tom Digiano, who successfully brought the book to market. Through it all, the manuscript was improved endlessly by our primary development editor, Jane Tufts. We are greatly in their debt.
We have also relied on the assistance of a number of graduate students in collecting data for applications, preparing problems, and proofreading material. We would like to thank Leticia Arroyo Abad, Chang Hong, David Jacks, Alyson Ma, Ahmed Rahman, Seema Sangita, Radek Szulga, and Yingying Xu for their assistance. We are especially grateful to Benjamin Mandel, who has worked on many of the international trade chapters in the first edition; to Philip Luck, who worked on all the chapters xxxiii in the second edition; and to Charles Liao, who worked on all the trade chapters in the third edition. Thanks also go to Christian Broda, Colin Carter, Michele Cavallo, Menzie Chinn, Sebastian Edwards, Ann Harrison, Mervyn King, Philip Lane, Karen Lewis, Christopher Meissner, Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti, Michael Pakko, Ugo Panizza, Giovanni Peri, Eswar Prasad, Andrés Rodríguez-Clare, Jay Shambaugh, and Martin Wolf for providing data used in some of the applications and examples.
Special thanks go to Professor Francis Ahking, University of Conneticut, who once again carefully reviewed the page proofs of the entire book.
We have taught the chapters of this book ourselves several times, and have benefited from the feedback of colleagues. For the third edition, we benefited from the suggestions of the following instructors:
- Basil Al-Hashimi—Mesa Community College
- Sam Andoh—Southern Connecticut State University
- Adina Ardelean—Santa Clara University
- Joel Auerbach—Florida Atlantic University
- Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee—University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
- Jeremy Baker—Owens Community College
- Rita Balaban—University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Jim Bruehler—Eastern Illinois University
- Thomas Chaney—Toulouse School of Economics
- John Chilton—Virginia Commonwealth University
- Reid Click—George Washington University
- Catherine Co—University of Nebraska at Omaha
- Antoinette Criss—University of South Florida
- Judith Dean—Brandeis University
- James Devault—Lafayette College
- Asif Dowla—St. Mary’s College of Maryland
- Justin Dubas—Texas Lutheran University
- Lee Erickson—Taylor University
- Xin Fang—Hawaii Pacific University
- Stephen Grubaugh—Bentley University
- Ronald Gunderson—Northern Arizona University
- Chang Hong—Clark University
- Carl Jensen—Rutgers University
- Jeff Konz—University of North Carolina, Asheville
- Robert Krol—California State University, Northridge
- Dave LaRivee—United States Air Force Academy
- Daniel Lee—Shippensburg University
- Yu-Feng (Winnie) Lee—New Mexico State University
- James Lehman—Pitzer College
- Carlos Liard-Muriente—Central Connecticut State University
- Rita Madarassy—Santa Clara University
- Margaret Malixi—California State University, Bakersfield
- Steven Matusz—Michigan State University
- Diego Mendez-Carbajo—Illinois Wesleyan University
- Kathleen Odell—Dominican University
- Kerry Pannell—DePauw University
- Elizabeth Perry-Sizemore—Randolph College
- Diep Phan—Beloit College
- Reza Ramazani—Saint Michael’s College
- Artatrana Ratha—St. Cloud State University
- Raymond Riezman—University of Iowa
- Helen Roberts—University of Illinois, Chicago
- Mari L. Robertson—University of Cincinnati
- Margaretha Rudstrom—University of Minnesota, Crookston
- Fred Ruppel—Eastern Kentucky University
- Farhad Saboori—Albright College
- Jeff Sarbaum—University of North Carolina, Greensboro
- Mark Scanlan—Stephen F. Austin State University
- Katherine Schmeiser—Mount Holyoke College
- Eckhard Siggel—Concordia University, Montreal
- Annie Voy—Gonzaga University
- Linda Wilcox Young—Southern Oregon University
- Zhen Zhu—University of Central Oklahoma
For the third edition, we had a wonderful response to a survey focused on our supplements. We want to thank all of the survey respondents:
- Ahmed Abou-Zaid—Eastern Illinois University
- Francis Ahking—University of Connecticut
- Syed Ahmed—Cameron University
- Ugur Aker—Hiram College
- Abiye Alamina—Bowling Green State University
- Basil Al-Hashimi—Mesa Community College
- William Amponsah—Georgia Southern University
- Gary Anders—Arizona State University
- James Anderson—Boston College
- Samuel Andoh—Southern Connecticut State University
- Adina Ardelean—Santa Clara University
- Ferry Ardiyanto—Colorado State University
- Iris Au—University of Toronto, Scarborough
- Joel Auerbach—Florida Atlantic University
- Sofyan Azaizeh—University of New Haven
- Chris Azevedo—University of Central Missouri
- Werner Baer—University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee—University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
- Scott Baier—Clemson University
- Jeremy Baker—Owens Community College
- Rita Balaban—University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Lila Balla—St. Louis University
- James Bang—Saint Ambrose University
- Thomas Baranga—University of California, San Diego
- Gregory Besharov—Cornell University
- Joel Blit—Waterloo University
- Antonio Bojanic—Humboldt State University
- Bogdan Bonca—George Washington University
- Russell Boyer—University of Western Ontario
- Laura Brown—University of Manitoba
- Jim Bruehler—Eastern Illinois University
- Joel Bruneau—University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon
- Vera Brusentsev—Swarthmore College
- Hector Butts—Morris Brown College
- Doyle Butts—John Brown University
- Andrew Cassey—Washington State University
- Alberto Cavallo—Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Bledi Celiku—Georgetown University
- Suparna Chakraborty—Baruch College
- Thomas Chaney—University of Chicago
- Roberto Chang—Rutgers University
- John Chilton—Virginia Commonwealth University
- Michael Clark—Wesleyan University
- Reid Click—George Washington University
- Catherine Co—University of Nebraska, Omaha
- Jim Cobbe—Florida State University
- Tracy Collins—North Carolina State University
- AnaMaria Conley—Regis University
- Matias Cortes—University of British Columbia
- Antoinette Criss—University of South Florida
- Anca Cristea—University of Oregon
- William Crowder—University of Texas, Arlington
- Wilfrid Csaplar, Jr.—Bethany College
- Meenakshi Dalal—Wayne State College
- John Dalton—Wake Forest University
- Joseph Daniels—Marquette University
- Amaresh Das—Southern University at New Orleans
- Kunal Dasgupta—University of Toronto, St. George Camp
- Judy Dean—State University of New York, Brockport
- Mamit Deme—Middle Tennessee State University
- James DeVault—Lafayette University
- Daniel Dias—University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Vaughn Dickson—University of New Brunswick, Fredericton
- Asif Dowla—St. Mary’s College of Maryland
- Justin Dubas—Texas Lutheran University
- Anthony Elson—Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies
- Can Erbil—Boston College
- Lee Erickson—Taylor University
- Xin Fang—Hawaii Pacific University
- Barbara Fischer—Cardinal Stritch University
- Sherry Forbes—Sweet Briar College
- David Franck—University of Tennessee, Martin
- Joseph Friedman—Temple University
- Diana Fuguitt—Eckerd College
- Michael Fusillo—Tufts University
- Stefania Garetto—Boston University
- Doris Geide-Stevenson—Weber State University
- Pedro Gete—Georgetown University
- Soumen Ghosh—Tennessee State University
- Alex Gialanella—Manhattanville College
- Harvey Gram—Queens College, City University of New York
- Jason Grant—Virginia Tech
- David Griffith—Austin College
- Elias Grivoyannis—Yeshiva University
- Stephen Grubaugh—Bentley College
- Ronald Gunderson—Northern Arizona University
- Jane Hall—California State University, Fullerton
- David Harris—Benedictine College
- Britt Hastey—Los Angeles City College
- William Hauk—University of South Carolina
- Denise Hazlett—Whitman College
- Aldo Heffner—Northwestern University
- Scott Hegerty—Northeastern Illinois University
- Ralf Hepp—Fordham University
- Pablo Hernandez—Hollins University
- Chang Hong—Clark University
- David Hummels—Purdue University
- Brian Hunt—Georgia State University
- Jamal Husein—Angelo State University
- Lowell Jacobsen—Baker University
- Carl Jensen—Rutgers University
- Michael Jolly—Ryerson University
- Jason Jones—Furman University
- Serdar Kabaca—University of British Columbia
- Mahbubul Kabir—Lyon College
- Fadhel Kaboub—Denison University
- Hyunju Kang—The Ohio State University
- Hugo Kaufmann—Queens College, City University New York
- Erasmus Kersting—Villanova University
- Octave Keutiben—Glendon College
- Farida Khan—University of Wisconsin, Parkside
- Ali Khan—Johns Hopkins University
- Chong-Uk Kim—Sonoma State University
- Colin Knapp—University of Florida
- Samuel Kohn—Touro College, Brooklyn
- Jeff Konz—University of North Carolina, Asheville
- Bill Kosteas—Cleveland State University
- Robert Krol—California State University, Northridge
- Kishore Kulkarni—Metropolitan State Unversity of Denver
- Carsten Lange—California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
- Harvey Lapan—Iowa State University
- Dave LaRivee—United States Air Force Academy
- Daniel Lee—Shippensburg University
- Yu-Feng Lee—New Mexico State University
- James Lehman—Pomona College
- Byron Lew—Trent University
- Willis Lewis—Winthrop University
- Carlos Liard-Muriente—Central Connecticut State University
- Ben Liebman—St. Joseph’s University
- Tony Lima—California State University, East Bay
- Xuepeng Liu—Kennesaw State University
- Ricardo Lopez—Indiana University
- Mary Lovely—Syracuse University
- Volodymyr Lugovskyy—Indiana University
- Rita Madarassy—Westminster College
- Margaret Malixi—California State University, Bakersfield
- Catherine Mann—Brandeis University
- Kalina Manova—Stanford University
- Mary Marchant—Virginia Tech
- Kathryn Marshall—California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
- Tim Mason—Eastern Illinois University
- Fred May—Trident Technical College
- Peter Mayer—University of Wisconsin, Osh Kosh
- Cynthia McCarty—Jacksonville State University
- Rachel McCulloch—Brandeis University
- Jerry McElroy—St. Mary’s College
- Diego Mendez-Carbajo—Illinois Wesleyan University
- Edward Merkel—Troy University
- Ida Mirzaie—Ohio State University
- Ilir Miteza—University of Michigan, Dearborn
- Shahruz Mohtadi—Suffolk University
- Shalah Mostashari—University of Iowa
- Rebecca Neumann—University of Colorado
- Trien Nguyen—University of Waterloo
- Jasminka Ninkovic—Emory University
- Shuichiro Nishioka—West Virginia University
- Dmitri Nizovtsev—Washburn University
- Stanley Nollen—Georgetown University
- Joe Nowakowski—Muskingum University
- Kathleen Odell—Dominican University
- Constantin Ogloblin—Georgia Southern University
- Ilaria Ossella-Durbal—Illinois Wesleyan University
- Tomi Ovaska—Youngstown State University
- Suleyman Ozmucur—University of Pennsylvania
- Kerry Pannell—De Pauw University
- Kit Pasula—University of British Columbia, Okanagan
- Nina Pavcnik—Dartmouth College
- Lourenco Paz—Syracuse University
- Elizabeth Perry-Sizemore—Randolph College
- Nam Pham—George Washington University
- Diep Phan—Beloit College
- Roger Philips—Concordia University
- Thomas Pieplow—Athens State University
- Gina Pieters—University of Minnesota
- Jane Pietrowski—Mary Baldwin College
- Jeff Pliskin—Hamilton College
- Jim Polito—Lonestar College
- Vincenzo Quadrini—University of Southern California
- Fernando Quijano—Dickinson State University
- Reza Ramazani—Saint Michael’s College
- Natalia Ramondo—University of Texas
- Artatrana Ratha—St. Cloud State University
- James Rauch—University of California, San Diego
- Arslan Razmi—University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- Hyuk-jae Rhee—Michigan State University
- Ray Riezman—University of Iowa
- Helen Roberts—University of Illinois, Chicago
- Wade C. Roberts—University of Utah
- Mari Robertson—University of Cincinnati
- Malcolm Robinson—Thomas More College
- Carol Rogers—Georgetown University
- Michael Rolleigh—Williams College
- Jacek Rothert—University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
- Philip Rothman—East Carolina University
- Jayjit Roy—Appalachian State University
- Camilo Rubbini—Indiana University of Pennsylvania
- Margot Rudstrom—Virginia Secondary School
- Rochelle Ruffer—Nazareth College
- Fred Ruppel—Eastern Kentucky University
- David R. Sabiston—University of Calgary
- Farhad Saboori—Albright College
- Rupi Saggi—Southern Methodist University
- Jeff Sarbaum—University of North Carolina, Greensboro
- Mark Scanlan—Stephen F. Austin State University
- Georg Schaur—University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Katherine Schmeiser—Mount Holyoke College
- Nicolas Schmitt—Simon Fraser University
- Peter Schott—Yale University
- Aberra Senbeta—Bloomsburg University
- Richard Sicotte—University of Vermont
- Eckhard Siggel—Concordia University
- Rajesh Singh—Iowa State University
- Ken Slaysman—York College of Pennsylvania
- Constance Smith—University of Alberta
- Gregor Smith—Queens University, Kingston
- Julie Smith—Lafayette College
- David Sobiechowski—University of Michigan, Dearborn
- Arjun Sondhi—Wayne State University
- Robert Sonora—Fort Lewis College
- Charles Staelin—Smith College
- Paul Stock—University of Mary Hardin, Baylor
- Edward Stuart—Northeastern Illinois University
- Chuck Stull—Michigan State University
- Vera Tabakova—East Carolina University
- Wendy Takacs—University of Maryland
- Robert Teitelbaum—Empire State College
- Tommaso Tempesti—University of Massachusetts, Lowell
- Richard Torz—Saint Joseph’s College, New York
- Peter Tracey—University of Calgary
- Richard Trainer—Nassau Community College
- Arja Turunen-Red—University of New Orleans
- Geetha Vaidyanathan—University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Marc von der Ruhr—Saint Norbert College
- Pablo Vega-Garcia—George Washington University
- Annie Voy—Gonzaga University
- Tatsuma Wada—Wayne State University
- Andreas Waldkirch—Colby College
- Doug Waldo—University of Florida
- Rui Wan—University of Calgary
- Xiao Wang—University of North Dakota
- Jane Waples—Memorial University
- Chris Warburton—John Jay College, City University of New York
- Tonia Warnecke—Rollins College
- Matt Warning—University of Puget Sound
- William Watson—McGill University
- Scott Wentland—George Mason University
- Mark Wessel—Carnegie Mellon University
- Ben Widner—New Mexico State University
- Joan Wiggenhorn—Barry University
- David Wildasin—University of Kentucky
- Mark Wohar—University of Nebraska, Omaha
- Mickey Wu—Coe College
- Peter Wylie—University of British Columbia, Okanagan
- Bill Yang—Georgia Southern University
- Mahmut Yasar—Emory University
- Hakan Yilmazkuday—Temple University
- Linda Young—Southern Oregon University
- Kevin Zhang—Illinois State University
- Dan Zhao—Austin College
- Haiwen Zhou—Old Dominion University
- Zhen Zhu—University of Central Oklahoma
- Susan Zhu—Michigan State University
For the second edition, we benefited from the suggestions of the following reviewers:
- Bradley Andrew—Juniata College
- Damyana Bakardzhieva—George Washington University
- Mina Baliamoune—University of North Florida
- Valerie Bencivenga—University of Texas at Austin
- Emily Blanchard—University of Virginia
- Nicola Borri—Boston University
- Drusilla Brown—Tufts University
- Vera Brusentsev—University of Delaware
- Colleen Callahan—American University
- Geoffrey Carliner—Boston University
- Ron Cronovich—Carthage College
- Firat Demir—University of Oklahoma
- Asim Erdilek—Case Western Reserve University
- John Gilbert—Utah State University
- William Hauk—University of South Carolina
- David Hummels—Purdue University
- Hakan Inal—Virginia Commonwealth University
- Alan Isaac—American University
- Robert Jerome—James Madison University
- Grace Johnson—Oklahoma State University, Tulsa
- Kathy Kelly—University of Texas at Arlington
- Bill Kosteas—Cleveland State University
- Ricardo Lopez—Indiana University
- Volodymyr Lugovskyy—Georgia Tech
- Nicolas Magud—University of Oregon
- Keith Malone—University of North Alabama
- Maria Maniagurria—University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Catherine Mann—Brandeis University
- Steven J. Matusz—Michigan State University
- Fabio Mendez—University of Arkansas
- William Mertens—University of Colorado at Boulder
- Rebecca Neumann—University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
- Emanuel Ornelas—London School of Economics
- Perry Patterson—Wake Forest University
- Masha Rahnama—Texas Tech University
- Michael Rinkus—Walsh College
- Sheikh Shahnawaz—University of Southern California
- David Sobiechowski—University of Michigan, Dearborn
- Steve Steib—University of Tulsa
- Nicholas Stratis—Florida State University
- Edward Tower—Duke University
- Elizabeth Wheaton—Southern Methodist University
- Peter Wylie—University of British Columbia, Okanagan
We would like to thank the following instructors for sharing their ideas with us in the development of the first edition. These colleagues were enthusiastic about the reception of their students to our fresh approach.
- Joshua Aizenman—University of California, Santa Cruz
- Scott Baier—Clemson University
- Paul Bergin—University of California, Davis
- Matilde Bombardini—University of British Columbia, Vancouver
- Drusilla Brown—Tufts University
- Avik Chakraborty—University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Gordon Hanson—University of California, San Diego
- James Harrigan—University of Virginia
- Takeo Hoshi—University of California, San Diego
- David Hummels—Purdue University
- Samuel Kortum—University of Chicago
- John McLaren—University of Virginia
- Robert Murphy—Boston College
- Constantin Ogloblin—Georgia Southern University
- Kevin O’Rourke—Trinity College, Dublin
- Sanjay Paul—Elizabethtown College
- Priya Ranjan—University of California, Irvine
- Andrés Rodriguez-Clare—Pennsylvania State University
- Katheryn Russ—University of California, Davis
- Stephen Stageberg—University of Mary Washington
- Bruce Wydick—University of San Francisco
- Stephen Yeaple—Pennsylvania State University
A huge number of colleagues were very helpful in reviewing the first-edition manuscript. We wish to thank the following reviewers:
- Joshua Aizenman—University of California, Santa Cruz
- Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee—University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
- Scott Baier—Clemson University
- Richard Baillie—Michigan State University
- Joe Bell—Missouri State University
- Paul Bergin—University of California, Davis
- Robert Blecker—American University
- Roger Butters—University of Nebraska, Lincoln
- Francisco Carrada-Bravo—Arizona State University
- Menzie Chinn—University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Richard Chisik—Florida International University
- Ann Davis—Marist College
- Robert Driskill—Vanderbilt University
- James Fain—Oklahoma State University
- David H. Feldman—The College of William & Mary
- Diane Flaherty—University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- Jean-Ellen Giblin—Fashion Institute of Technology
- Bill Gibson—University of Vermont
- Thomas Grennes—North Carolina State University
- Gordon Hanson—University of California, San Diego
- Mehdi Haririan—Bloomsburg University
- James Harrigan—University of Virginia
- Takeo Hoshi—University of California, San Diego
- Douglas Irwin—Dartmouth College
- Michael Klein—Tufts University
- Kala Krishna—Pennsylvania State University
- Maria Kula—Roger Williams University
- Ricardo Lopez—Indiana University
- Mary Lovely—Syracuse University
- Barbara Lowrey—University of Maryland
- Steven Matusz—Michigan State University
- Jose Mendez—Arizona State University
- Shannon Mitchell—Virginia Commonwealth University
- Farshid Mojaver Hosseini—University of California, Davis
- Marc A. Muendler—University of California, San Diego
- Maria Muniagurria—University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Robert Murphy—Boston College
- Ranganath Murthy—Bucknell University
- Kanda Naknoi—Purdue University
- Constantin Ogloblin—Georgia Southern University
- Kevin O’Rourke—Trinity College, Dublin
- Kerry Pannell—DePauw University
- Jaishankar Raman—Valparaiso University
- Raymond Robertson—Macalester College
- Andrés Rodriguez-Clare—Pennsylvania State University
- Hadi Salehi-Esfahani—University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Andreas Savvides—Oklahoma State University
- Till Schreiber—The College of William & Mary
- Gunjan Sharma—University of Missouri, Columbia
- John Subrick—George Mason University
- Mark P. Taylor—University of Warwick
- Linda Tesar—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Geetha Vaidyanathan—University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- Kristin Van Gaasbeck—California State University, Sacramento
- Gary Wells—Clemson University
- Mark Wohar—University of Nebraska, Omaha
- Susan Wolcott—State University of New York, Binghamton
- Bin Xu—China Europe International Business School
- Stephen Yeaple—Pennsylvania State University
We received useful feedback from focus group participants. We would like to thank the following individuals:
- Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee—University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
- Roger Butters—University of Nebraska, Lincoln
- Francisco Carrada-Bravo—Arizona State University
- Mitchell Charkiewicz—Central Connecticut State University
- Menzie Chinn—University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Carl Davidson—Michigan State University
- Ann Davis—Marist College
- Robert Driskill—Vanderbilt University
- Eric Fisher—California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
- Diane Flaherty—University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- Bill Gibson—University of Vermont
- Thomas Grennes—North Carolina State University
- Mehdi Haririan—Bloomsburg University
- Andreas Hauskrecht—Indiana University
- Andrew Hughes-Hallett—Vanderbilt University
- Eckhard Janeba—University of Mannheim
- Mary Lovely—Syracuse University
- Marc Melitz—Harvard University
- Norman Miller—Miami University of Ohio
- Shannon Mitchell—Virginia Commonwealth University
- Ranganath Murthy—Bucknell University
- Rebecca Neumann—University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
- Constantin Ogloblin—Georgia Southern University
- Lucjan Orlowski—Sacred Heart University
- Jeff Pliskin—Hamilton College
- Francisca Richter—Cleveland State University
- Hadi Salehi-Esfahani—University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Bin Xu—China Europe International Business School
We would like to thank the following individuals who provided feedback on the initial preliminary version of the first edition of our text:
- Scott Baier—Clemson University
- Paul Bergin—University of California, Davis
- Luisa Blanco Raynal—Pepperdine University
- James Cassing—University of Pittsburgh
- Ted Fu—Stanford University
- James Harrigan—University of Virginia
- David Hummels—Purdue University
- Farshid Mojaver Hosseini—University of California, Davis
- Maria Muniagurria—University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Kanda Naknoi—Purdue University
- Raymond Robertson—Macalester College
- Andrés Rodriguez-Clare—Pennsylvania State University
- Jeffrey Rosensweig—Emory University
- Jennifer Steele—University of Texas at Austin
- Asha Sundaram—Syracuse University
- Kristin Van Gaasbeck—California State University, Sacramento
- Wolfgang Keller—University of Colorado at Boulder
We would like to thank the following instructors who have aided us in the preparation and extensive review of the ancillary package. This list of contributors and reviewers is comprehensive of those who have contributed across editions at this time and will continue to grow as new resources are developed.
- Francis Ahking—University of Connecticut
- Ron Davies—University College, Dublin
- Justin Dubas—Texas Lutheran University
- Chang Hong—Clark University
- Anthony Lima—California State University, East Bay
- Alyson Ma—University of San Diego
- Terry Monson—Michigan Technological University
- Robert Murphy—Boston College
- Sanjay Paul—Elizabethtown College
- Jaishankar Raman—Valparaiso University
- Rajesh Singh—Iowa State University
- Millicent Sites—Carson-Newman College
- Alexandre Skiba—University of Wyoming
- Robert Sonora—Fort Lewis College
- Marie Truesdell—Marian College
- Kristin Van Gaasbeck—California State University, Sacramento
- Stephen Yeaple—Pennsylvania State University
We would also like to thank our families, especially Claire and Gail, for their sustained support during the time we have devoted to writing this book.
Finally, you will see an accompanying picture of children in Ciudad Darío, Nicaragua, with their teacher, in the classroom of a small schoolhouse that was built for them by Seeds of Learning (, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving educational opportunities in rural Latin America. A portion of the royalties from this book go toward supporting the work of Seeds of Learning.