This editorial discussed the impact of NAFTA on the U.S. and Mexican economies. It appeared in a U.S.-based pro-
As Americans and Mexicans celebrated the start of a new year yesterday, they had reason to celebrate another milestone as well: The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) turned 15. Despite the slowdown in both the U.S. and Mexican economies, trade between the two nations was expected to set a new record last year. In the first half of 2008, U.S.-Mexico trade grew by 9.6 percent to $183.7 billion. That follows a record $347 billion in trade in 2007. Compare that to the $81.5 billion in total two-
NAFTA has without a doubt been the primary reason for that success. It dramatically opened up Mexico’s economy to U.S. goods and investments, helping boost revenues for many U.S. companies. At the same time, Mexican companies were able to get duty-
While China clearly dominates many of the products we buy in U.S. stores these days, Mexico also plays an important role. Mexico ranks third behind Canada and China among the top exporters to the U.S. market. But Mexico beats China when it comes to buying U.S. goods. During the first ten months last year [2008], Mexico imported U.S. products worth $129.4 billion—
U.S. through greater choice of products, in terms of selection, quality, and price, including many that are less expensive than pre-
To be sure, NAFTA is not perfect. For one, it didn’t even touch on Mexico’s sensitive oil sector, which should have been part of a comprehensive free trade agreement. Neither did it offer any teeth when it came to violations. For example, the shameful U.S. disregard for the NAFTA regulations on allowing Mexican trucks to enter the United States. Only in September last year [2008], as part of a pilot program by the Bush Administration, did the first Mexican trucks enter the United States—
However, all in all NAFTA has been of major benefit for both the United States and Mexico. Any renegotiation of NAFTA, as president-
In the meantime, we congratulate NAFTA on its 15 years. Feliz Cumpleaños.
Source: Editors, Latin Business Chronicle, January 2, 2009, electronic edition.
Questions to Consider
After reading NAFTA Turns 15, Bravo!, consider the question(s) below. Then “submit” your response.
1. This Headline is generally supportive of NAFTA, however it alludes to the opposition by U.S. unions and lawmakers. Using the tools you’ve developed in class, discuss why unions and/or lawmakers might oppose NAFTA.
2. This Headline concludes by arguing that a renegotiation of NAFTA would be bad for both the U.S. and Mexico. Given the chapter’s discussion of the short and long term gains and costs of NAFTA, do you agree with this argument? How would small adjustments to NAFTA affect the agreement?