-Mrs. Mulwray, may I present Mr. Gittes?

-Mrs. Mulwray, how do you do?

-Mr. Gittes.

J.J. GITTES: Now what seems to be the problem?

-My husband, I believe, is seeing another woman.

-No, really?

EVELYN MULWRAY: I'm afraid so.

-I am sorry.

EVELYN MULWRAY: Mr. Gittes, please, do you think we could discuss this alone?

-I'm afraid not, Mrs. Mulwray. These are my operatives. And at some point they're going to have to assist me. I can't do everything myself.

EVELYN MULWRAY: Of course not.

-Now, what makes you certain that your husband is involved with someone?

-A wife can tell.

J.J. GITTES: Mrs. Mulwray, do you love your husband?

-Yes, of course.

J.J. GITTES: Then go home and forget everything.

-But I--

-I'm sure that he loves you too, Mrs. Mulwray. Do you-- do you know the expression, let sleeping dogs lie? You're better off not knowing.

-I have to know.

-Very well. What is your husband's first name?

-Hollis. Hollis Mulwray.

-Water and power?

EVELYN MULWRAY: He's chief engineer.

-Chief engineer?