How Do I...

Use Design to Tell a Story?

Go to LaunchPad and find out: Chapter 4 Video Activity

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NAME: Alex McDowell
TITLE: Production designer
SELECTED CREDITS: Man of Steel (2013); Watchmen (2009); Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005); Fight Club (1999); The Crow (1994)

Many people think of production design as what’s on the surface: the design of various elements we see in movies. But as veteran production designer Alex McDowell notes, it’s more about the “connective tissue” that holds all those design elements—environments, objects, and characters—together. McDowell talks more about using production design to enhance a movie’s story in a video interview available only in the Chapter 4 Video Activity.



  • image How designs for Fight Club became an extension of the screenplay
  • image How production design can offer solutions to narrative requirements
  • image Why what’s on-screen in a movie is not always as important as the reasoning behind what’s on-screen