Using Transitional Words and Phrases
The following compound sentences are missing transitional words or phrases. For each item, identify the transitional word or phrase that would best connect the two sentences by filling in the blank.
For help with this exercise, see section 17f of Focus on Reading and Writing.
Only about twenty years ago, women’s history was practically unknown; ______, some people wanted to address this deficiency.
The Education task Force of Sonoma County, California, decided to do something about it; __________, it established the Commission on the Status of Women.
At first, not many schools observed Women’s History Week; _________, more and more schools and organizations started to celebrate it.
School lessons sometimes highlighted the political achievements of women; __________, the “suffragettes” of the 1920s became better known.
Formerly neglected female authors have been emphasized; _____, most of us now know Zora Neale Hurston.
Using Transitional Words and Phrases 2
The following compound sentences are missing semicolons. For each compound sentence, identify where a semicolon should be placed.
For help with this exercise, see section 17f of Focus on Reading and Writing.
Phillis Wheatley lived an unusual life for an American slave in fact, she achieved fame for her accomplishments.
Wheatley was a young girl at the time of the slave trade she was an easy target.
She was small and frail when she came to America nevertheless, she was purchased by a successful businessman names John Wheatley.
Phillis Wheatley worked as a maid in the Wheatleys’ house as a result, her owners noticed her great intelligence.
The Wheatleys gave Phillis the advantage of an education consequently, she was able to speak and read English fluently in only a short time.