Welcome to the LaunchPad Solo for Foundations First, Fifth Edition.
LaunchPad Solo for Foundations First, Fifth Edition is packed with digital content designed to work in tandem with your textbook to help you sharpen your critical thinking, reading, and writing skills. Whether your instructor assigns the resources in LaunchPad Solo or encourages you to work with the material at your own pace, we’re confident that LaunchPad Solo will help you develop the reading and writing skills you need to succeed. LaunchPad Solo for Foundations First, Fifth Edition includes:
Practice and develop your writing and grammar skills. LearningCurve is adaptive game-like quizzing that helps you focus on the writing and grammar skills you need the most help with. When you get a question wrong, feedback tells you why and links you to additional instruction. |
Additional Grammar Exercises allow students to practice grammar, punctuation, and mechanics, with results being reported to an instructor gradebook. |