
Video: The Health Benefits of Meditation

This BBC Health video clip explores meditation, focusing on the challenge researchers face as they attempt to pinpoint cause-effect relationships when studying the impact of alternative therapies on health outcomes.
Renowned Harvard University scientist Herbert Benson, who first described the relaxation response, treats his patients holistically with dietary modifications, exercise, as well as meditation. Although often effective, for some patients, and some conditions, there are so many factors involved in this type of intervention that it is difficult to prove whether any one, such as meditation, is effective. The video clip explores the evidence base for meditation, including the benefits of meditation for people suffering from asthma, chronic pain, and heart disease.

After you've watched the video, click the link below to answer questions about what you've learned.

1. How does the Transcendental Meditation (TM) center director in the video describe the inner experience of those practicing TM at its advanced form?

2. Based on health research, what are some of the published benefits of Transcendental Meditation (TM)?

3. When reviews of many studies were analyzed, what was the conclusion regarding the effectiveness of Transcendental Meditation (TM) for promoting heart health?

4. Based on the evidence and reviews published in medical journals, what advice is given at the end of the video about trying Transcendental Meditation (TM)?