module 39 Solar, Wind, Geothermal, and Hydrogen

After biomass and water, the most important forms of renewable energy come from the Sun and wind. These nondepletable sources of renewable energy represent the fastest growing forms of energy development throughout the world.

Learning Objectives

After reading this module, you should be able to

The energy of the Sun can be captured directly


In addition to driving the natural cycles of water and air movement that we can tap as energy resources, the Sun also provides energy directly. Every day, Earth is bathed in solar radiation, an almost limitless source of energy. The amount of solar energy available in a particular place varies with amount of cloudiness, time of day, and season. The average amount of solar energy available varies geographically. As FIGURE 39.1 shows, average daily solar radiation in the continental United States ranges from 3 kWh of energy per square meter in the Pacific Northwest to almost 7 kWh per square meter in parts of the Southwest.

Figure 39.1: FIGURE 39.1 Geographic variation in solar radiation in the United States. This map shows the amount of solar energy available to a flat photovoltaic solar panel in kilowatt-hours per square meter per day, averaged over a year.
(Data from National Renewable Energy Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy)

Passive Solar Heating

We have already seen several applications of passive solar heating, including positioning windows on south-facing walls to admit solar radiation in winter, covering buildings with dark roofing material in order to absorb the maximum amount of heat, and building homes into the side of a hill. None of these strategies relies on intermediate pumps or technology to supply heat. Solar ovens are another practical application of passive solar heating. For instance, a simple “box cooker” concentrates sunlight as it strikes a reflector on the top of the oven. Inside the box, the solar energy is absorbed by a dark base and a cooking pot and is converted into heat energy. The heat is distributed throughout the box by reflective material lining the interior walls and is kept from escaping by a glass top. On sunny days, such box cookers can maintain temperatures of 175°C (350°F), heat several liters of water to boiling in under an hour, or cook traditional dishes of rice, beans, or chicken in 2 to 5 hours.

Solar ovens have both environmental and social benefits. The use of solar ovens in place of firewood reduces deforestation and, in areas unsafe for travel, having a solar oven means not having to leave the relative safety of home to seek firewood. For example, over 10,000 solar ovens have been distributed in refugee camps in the Darfur region of western Sudan in Africa, where leaving the camps to find cooking fuel would put women at risk of attack (FIGURE 39.2).


Figure 39.2: FIGURE 39.2 Solar cookers. Residents of this refugee camp in Chad use solar cookers to conserve firewood and reduce travel outside the camp.
(Tim Dirven/Panos Pictures)

Active Solar Energy Technologies

Active solar energy Energy captured from sunlight with advanced technologies.

Figure 39.3: FIGURE 39.3 A solar domestic hot water system. When a solar hot water system is used to heat a house, a nonfreezing liquid is circulated by an electric pump through a closed loop of pipes. This circulating liquid moves from a water storage tank to a solar collector on the roof, where it is heated, and then sent back to the tank, where a heat exchanger transfers the heat to water.

In contrast to passive solar design, active solar energy technologies capture the energy of sunlight with the use of technologies that include small-scale solar water heating systems, photovoltaic solar cells, and large-scale concentrating solar thermal systems for electricity generation.

Solar Water Heating Systems

Solar water heating applications range from providing domestic hot water and heating swimming pools to a variety of heating purposes for business and home. In the United States, heating swimming pools is the most common application of solar water heating, and it is also the one that pays for itself the most quickly.

A household solar water heating system, like the domestic hot water system shown in FIGURE 39.3, allows heat energy from the Sun to be transferred directly to water or another liquid, which is then circulated to a hot water heating system. The circulation of the liquid is driven either by a pump (in active systems) or by natural convection (in passive systems). In both cases, cold liquid is heated as it moves through a solar collector mounted on the roof or wall of a building or situated on the ground.

Figure 39.4: FIGURE 39.4 Photovoltaic solar energy. (a) In this domestic photovoltaic system, photovoltaic solar panels convert sunlight into direct current (DC). An inverter converts DC into alternating current (AC), which supplies electricity to the house. Any electricity not used in the house is exported to the electrical grid. (b) Photovoltaic panels on the roof of this house in California provide 4,200 kWh of electricity per year—nearly all of the electricity this family uses.
(Inga Spence/Alamy)

The simplest solar water heating systems pump cold water directly to the collector to be heated; the heated water then flows back to an insulated storage tank. In areas that are sunny but experience temperatures below freezing, the water is kept in the storage tank and a “working” liquid containing nontoxic antifreeze circulates in pipes between the storage tank and the solar collector. The nonfreezing circulating liquid is heated by the Sun in the solar collector, then returned to the storage tank where it flows through a heat exchanger that transfers its heat to the water. The energy needed to run the pump is usually much less than the energy gained from using the system, especially if the pump runs on electricity from the Sun. Solar water heating systems typically include a backup energy source, such as an electric heating element or a connection to a fossil fuel–based central heating system, so that hot water is available even when it is cloudy or very cold.

Photovoltaic Systems


Photovoltaic solar cell A system of capturing energy from sunlight and converting it directly into electricity.

In contrast to solar water heating systems, photovoltaic solar cells capture energy from the Sun as light, not heat, and convert it directly into electricity. FIGURE 39.4a shows how a photovoltaic system, also referred to as PV, delivers electricity to a house. A photovoltaic solar cell makes use of the fact that certain semiconductors—very thin, ultraclean layers of material—generate a low-voltage electric current when they are exposed to direct sunlight (FIGURE 39.4b). The low-voltage direct current is usually converted into higher-voltage alternating current for use in homes or businesses. Typically, photovoltaic solar cells are 12 to 20 percent efficient in converting the energy of sunlight into electricity.

Electricity produced by photovoltaic systems can be used in several ways. Solar panels—arrays of photovoltaic solar cells—on a roof can be used to supply electricity to appliances or lights directly, or they can be used to charge batteries. The vast majority of photovoltaic systems are tied to the electrical grid, meaning that any extra electricity generated and not needed is sent to the electric utility, which buys it or gives the customer credit toward the cost of future electricity use. Homes that are “off the grid” may rely on photovoltaic solar cells as their only source of electricity, using batteries to store the electricity until it is needed. Photovoltaic solar cells have other uses in locations far from the grid where a small amount of electricity is needed on a regular basis. For example, small photovoltaic solar cells charge the batteries that keep highway emergency telephones working. In several U.S. cities, photovoltaic solar cells provide electricity for streetside trash compactors and for new “smart” parking meter systems that have replaced aging coin-operated parking meters.

Figure 39.5: FIGURE 39.5 A concentrating solar thermal power plant. Mirrors and reflectors concentrate the energy of the Sun onto a “power tower,” which uses the sunlight to heat water and make steam for electricity generation.
(Lowell Georgia/Science Source)

Concentrating Solar Thermal Electricity Generation

Concentrating solar thermal (CST) systems are a large-scale application of solar energy to electricity generation. CST systems use lenses or mirrors and tracking systems to focus the sunlight falling on a large area into a small beam, in the same way you might use a magnifying glass to focus energy from the Sun and perhaps burn a hole in a piece of paper. In this case, however, the heat of the concentrated beam is used to evaporate water and produce steam that turns a turbine to generate electricity. CST power plants operate much like conventional thermal power plants; the only difference is that the energy to produce the steam comes directly from the Sun, rather than from fossil fuels. The arrays of lenses and mirrors required are large, so CST power plants are best constructed in desert areas where there is consistent sunshine and plenty of open space (FIGURE 39.5).

Although CST systems have existed for 10 years or more, they are now becoming more common. In the United States, several plants are under development in California and in the Southwest. One 35 MW plant being planned in California calls for reflectors to cover 65 ha (160 acres) of land. These plants, though, have drawbacks that include the large amount of land required and their inability to generate electricity at night.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Active Solar Energy Systems


Active solar energy systems offer many benefits such as generating hot water or electricity without producing CO2 or polluting the air or water during operation. In addition, photovoltaic solar cells and CST power plants can produce electricity when it is needed most: on hot, sunny days when demand for electricity is high, primarily for air conditioning. By producing electricity during peak demand hours, these systems can help reduce the need to build new fossil fuel power plants.

In many areas, small-scale solar energy systems are economically feasible. For a new home located miles away from the grid, installing a photovoltaic system may be much less expensive than running electrical transmission lines to the home site. When a house is near the grid, the initial cost of a photovoltaic system may take 5 to 20 years for payback; once the initial cost is paid back, however, the electricity it generates is almost free.

Despite these advantages, a number of drawbacks have inhibited the growth of solar energy use in the United States. Photovoltaic solar panels are expensive to manufacture and install. Although the technology is changing rapidly as industrial engineers and scientists seek better, cheaper photovoltaic materials and systems, the initial cost to install a photovoltaic system can be daunting and the payback period is a long one. In parts of the country where the average daily solar radiation is low, the payback period can be even longer. Some countries, such as Germany, have made solar energy a part of their sustainable energy agenda by subsidizing their solar industry. In the United States, recent tax breaks, rebates, and funding packages instituted by various states and the federal government have made solar electricity and water heating more affordable for consumers and businesses.

The use of photovoltaic solar cells has environmental as well as financial costs. Manufacturing photovoltaic solar cells requires a great deal of energy and water and involves a variety of toxic metals and industrial chemicals that can be released into the environment during the manufacturing process, although newer types of these solar cells may reduce reliance on toxic materials. For systems that use batteries for energy storage, there are environmental costs associated with manufacturing, disposing of, or recycling the batteries, as well as energy losses during charging, storage, and recovery of electricity in batteries. The end-of-life reclamation and recycling of photovoltaic solar cells is another potential source of environmental contamination, particularly if the cells are not recycled properly. However, solar energy advocates, and even most critics, agree that the energy expended to manufacture photovoltaic solar cells is usually recovered within a few years of their operation, and that if the life span of photovoltaic solar cells can be increased to between 30 and 50 years, they will be a very promising source of renewable energy.

Wind energy is the most rapidly growing source of electricity

Wind energy Energy generated from the kinetic energy of moving air.

The wind is another important source of nondepletable, renewable energy. Wind energy is energy generated from the kinetic energy of moving air. As discussed in Chapter 4, winds are the result of the unequal heating of the surface of Earth by the Sun. Warmer air rises and cooler, denser air sinks, creating circulation patterns similar to those in a pot of boiling water. Ultimately, the Sun is the source of all winds—it is solar radiation and ground surface heating that drive air circulation.

Figure 39.7: FIGURE 39.7 Installed wind energy capacity by country. (a) The United States generates more electricity from wind energy than any other country. (b) However, some relatively small countries, such as Denmark, generate a much higher percentage of their electricity from wind.
(After Global Wind Energy Council, 2013)

Before the electrical grid reached rural areas of the United States in the 1920s, windmills dotted the landscape. Today, wind energy is the fastest-growing major source of electricity in the world. As FIGURE 39.6 shows, global installed wind energy capacity has risen from less than 10 gigawatts in 1996 to more than 300 gigawatts today. FIGURE 39.7 shows installed wind energy generating capacity and the percentage of electricity generated by wind for a number of countries. China has the largest wind energy generating capacity in the world, followed by the United States, Germany, Spain, and India.

Figure 39.6: FIGURE 39.6 Global growth of installed wind energy capacity. Worldwide, installed wind energy capacity is now almost 300 gigawatts (GW).
(Data from Global Wind Energy Council)


Despite its large generating capacity, the United States obtains less than 6 percent of its electricity from wind. The largest amounts are generated in California and Texas, although more than half of U.S. states produce at least some wind-generated electricity. Denmark, a country of 5.5 million people, generates about 26 percent of its electricity from wind and hopes to increase this figure to 50 percent by 2020. Although the United States currently obtains only a small percent of its electricity from wind, it is the fastest growing source of electricity in the country.

Generating Electricity from Wind

Wind turbine A turbine that converts wind energy into electricity.

Figure 39.8: FIGURE 39.8 Generating electricity with a wind turbine. The wind turns the blade, which is connected to the generator, which generates electricity.

A wind turbine converts the kinetic energy of moving air into electricity in much the same way that a hydroelectric turbine harnesses the kinetic energy of moving water. As you can see in FIGURE 39.8, wind turns the blades of the wind turbine and the blades transfer energy to the gear box that in turn transfers energy to the generator that generates electricity. A modern wind turbine, like the one shown, may sit on a tower as tall as 100 m (330 feet) and have blades 40 to 75 m (130–250 feet) long. Under average wind conditions, a wind turbine on land might produce electricity 25 percent of the time. While it is spinning, it might generate between 2,000 and 3,000 kW (2–3 MW), and in a year it might produce more than 4.4 million kilowatt-hours of electricity, enough to supply more than 400 homes. Offshore wind conditions are even more desirable for electricity generation, and turbines can be made even larger in an offshore environment.

Wind turbines on land are typically installed in rural locations, away from buildings and population centers. However, they must also be close to electrical transmission lines with enough capacity to transport the electricity they generate to users. For these reasons, as well as for political and regulatory reasons and to facilitate servicing the equipment, the usual practice is to group wind turbines into wind farms or wind parks.

Figure 39.9: FIGURE 39.9 Offshore wind parks. Capacity factors at near-offshore locations like this one in Denmark are generally higher than on land.
(Max Mudie/Alamy)


The number of wind farms is increasing in the United States and around the world. Wind farms are often placed on land in places where the wind blows up to 25 percent of the time. However, near-offshore coastal locations are even more desirable because there the wind blows up to 35 percent of the time. Offshore wind parks, which are clusters of wind turbines, are often located in the ocean within a few miles of the coastline (FIGURE 39.9). Such parks are operating in Denmark, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and elsewhere. A proposed project located off Cape Cod, Massachusetts, in Nantucket Sound may become the first offshore wind farm in the United States. The project would feature 130 wind turbines with the potential to produce up to 420 MW of electricity, or up to 75 percent of the electricity used by Cape Cod and the nearby islands.

A Nondepletable Resource

Wind energy offers many advantages over other energy resources. Like sunlight, wind is a nondepletable, clean, and free energy resource; the amount available tomorrow does not depend on how much we use today. Furthermore, once a wind turbine has been manufactured and installed, the only significant energy input comes from the wind. The only substantial fossil fuel input required, once the turbines are installed, is the fuel workers need to travel to the wind farm to maintain the equipment. Thus, wind-generated electricity produces no pollution and no greenhouse gases. Finally, unlike hydroelectric, CST, and conventional thermal power plants, wind farms can share the land with other uses. For example, wind turbines on land may share the area with grazing cattle.

Wind-generated electricity does have some disadvantages, however. Currently, most off-grid residential wind energy systems rely on batteries to store electricity, but as we have discussed, batteries are expensive to produce and hard to dispose of or recycle. In addition, birds and bats may be killed by collisions with wind turbine blades. According to the National Academy of Sciences, as many as 40,000 birds may be killed by wind turbine blades in the United States each year—approximately four deaths per turbine. Bat deaths are not as well quantified. New turbine designs and location of wind farms away from migration paths have reduced these deaths to some extent, along with some of the noise and aesthetic disadvantages.


There has been resistance to wind farms in some regions of the United States. For example, the proposal that we mentioned to place a number of windmills in the waters off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, has languished as numerous hearings, protests, and court decisions have slowed development. In Vermont, a state often considered to be very environmentally friendly, more and more towns and individuals have argued against the installation of commercial wind projects on or near ridgelines, citing habitat fragmentation and alteration, noise, and aesthetics, among other reasons. Other states have slowed wind development by resisting the construction of electrical transmission lines, which also fragment habitat but are needed to move renewable electricity through forested areas.

Earth’s internal heat is a source of nondepletable energy

Geothermal energy Heat energy that comes from the natural radioactive decay of elements deep within Earth.

Unlike most forms of renewable energy, geothermal energy does not come from the Sun. Geothermal energy is heat that comes from the natural radioactive decay of elements deep within Earth. As we saw in Chapter 8, convection currents in Earth’s mantle bring hot magma toward the surface of Earth. Wherever magma comes close enough to groundwater, that groundwater is heated. The pressure of the hot groundwater sometimes drives it to the surface, where it visibly manifests itself as geysers and hot springs, like those in Yellowstone National Park. Where hot groundwater does not naturally rise to the surface, humans may be able to reach it by drilling.

Many countries obtain clean, renewable energy from geothermal resources. The United States, China, and Iceland, all of which have substantial geothermal resources, are the largest geothermal energy producers.

Harvesting Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy can be used directly as a source of heat. Hot groundwater can be piped directly into household radiators to heat a home. In other cases, heat exchangers can collect heat by circulating cool liquid underground, where it is heated, and then returned to the surface. Iceland, a small nation with vast geothermal resources, heats 87 percent of its homes this way.

Geothermal energy can also be used to generate electricity. The electricity-generating process is much the same as that in a conventional thermal power plant although, in this case, the steam to run the turbine comes from water evaporated by Earth’s internal heat instead of by burning fossil fuels.

The heat released by decaying radioactive elements deep within Earth is essentially nondepletable in the span of human time. However, the groundwater that so often carries that heat to Earth’s surface can be depleted. As we learned in Chapter 9, groundwater, if used sustainably, is a renewable resource. Unfortunately, long periods of harvesting groundwater from a site may deplete it to the point at which the site is no longer a viable source of geothermal energy. Returning the water to the ground to be reheated is one way to use geothermal energy sustainably.

Iceland currently produces about 25 percent of its electricity using geothermal energy. In the United States, geothermal energy accounts for about 2 percent of the renewable energy used. Geothermal power plants are currently in operation in many states including California, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Hawaii, and Utah. Geothermal energy has less growth potential than wind or solar energy because it is not easily accessible everywhere. Hazardous gases and steam may also escape from geothermal power plants, another drawback of geothermal energy.

Ground Source Heat Pumps

Ground source heat pump A technology that transfers heat from the ground to a building.

Another approach to tapping Earth’s thermal resources is the use of ground source heat pumps, which take transfer heat from the ground to a building by taking advantage of the high thermal mass of the ground. Earth’s temperature about 3 m (10 feet) underground remains fairly constant year-round, at 10°C to 15°C (50°F–60°F), because the ground retains the Sun’s heat more effectively than does the ambient air. We can take advantage of this fact to heat and cool residential and commercial buildings. Although the heat tapped by ground source heat pumps is often referred to informally as “geothermal,” it comes not from geothermal energy but from solar energy.

FIGURE 39.10 shows how a ground source heat pump transfers heat from the ground to a house. In contrast to the geothermal systems just described, ground source heat pumps do not remove steam or hot water from the ground. In much the same way that a solar water heating system works, a ground source heat pump cycles fluid through pipes buried underground. In winter, this fluid absorbs heat from underground. The slightly warmed fluid is compressed in the heat pump to increase its temperature even more, and the heat is distributed throughout the house. The fluid is then allowed to expand, which causes it to cool and run through the cycle again, picking up more heat from the ground. In summer, when the underground temperature is lower than the ambient air temperature, the fluid is cooled underground and then pulls heat from the house as it circulates, resulting in a cooler house as heat is transferred underground.

Figure 39.10: FIGURE 39.10 Heating and cooling with a ground source heat pump. By exchanging heat with the ground, a ground source heat pump can heat and cool a building using 30 to 70 percent less energy than traditional furnaces and air conditioners.


Ground source heat pumps can be installed anywhere in the world, regardless of whether there is geothermal energy accessible in the vicinity. The operation of the pump requires some energy, but in most cases the system uses 30 to 70 percent less energy to heat and cool a building than a standard furnace or air conditioner.

Hydrogen fuel cells have many potential applications

We end our coverage of sustainable energy types with one additional energy technology that has received a great deal of attention for many years: hydrogen fuel cells.

The Basic Process in a Fuel Cell

Fuel cell An electrical-chemical device that converts fuel, such as hydrogen, into an electrical current.

A fuel cell is an electrical-chemical device that converts fuel, such as hydrogen, into an electrical current. A fuel cell operates much like a common battery, but with one key difference. In a battery, electricity is generated by a reaction between two chemical reactants, such as nickel and cadmium. This reaction happens in a closed container to which no additional materials can be added; eventually the reactants are used up and the battery goes dead. In a fuel cell, however, the reactants are added continuously to the cell, so the cell produces electricity for as long as it continues to receive fuel.


FIGURE 39.11 shows how hydrogen functions as one of the reactants in a hydrogen fuel cell. Electricity is generated by the reaction of hydrogen with oxygen, which forms water:

2H2 + O2 → energy + 2H2O

Figure 39.11: FIGURE 39.11 Power from a hydrogen fuel cell. (a) Hydrogen gas enters the cell from an external source. Protons from the hydrogen molecules pass through a membrane, while electrons flow around it, producing an electric current. Water is the only waste product of the reaction. (b) In a fuel cell vehicle, hydrogen is the fuel that reacts with oxygen to provide electricity to run the motor.

Although there are many types of hydrogen fuel cells, the basic process forces protons from hydrogen gas through a membrane, while the electrons take a different pathway. The movement of protons in one direction and electrons in another direction generates an electric current.

Electrolysis The application of an electric current to water molecules to split them into hydrogen and oxygen.

Using a hydrogen fuel cell to generate electricity requires a supply of hydrogen. Supplying hydrogen is a challenge, however, because free hydrogen gas is relatively rare in nature and because the gas is explosive. Hydrogen tends to bond with other molecules, forming compounds such as water (H2O) or natural gas (CH4). Producing hydrogen gas requires separating it from these compounds using either heat or electricity. Currently, most commercially available hydrogen is produced by an energy-intensive process of burning natural gas in order to extract its hydrogen; carbon dioxide is a waste product of this combustion. In an alternative process, known as electrolysis, an electric current is applied to water to “split” it into hydrogen and oxygen. Energy scientists are looking for other ways to obtain hydrogen; for example, under certain conditions, some photosynthetic algae and bacteria, using sunlight as their energy source, can give off hydrogen gas.


Although it may seem counterintuitive to use electricity to create electricity, the advantage of hydrogen is that it can act as an energy carrier. Renewable energy sources such as wind and the Sun cannot produce electricity constantly, but the electricity they produce can be used to generate hydrogen, which can be stored until it is needed. Thus, if we could generate electricity for electrolysis using a clean, nondepletable energy resource such as wind or solar energy, hydrogen could potentially be a sustainable energy carrier.

The Viability of Hydrogen

Some policy makers consider hydrogen fuel cells to be the future of energy and the solution to many of the world’s energy problems. Hydrogen fuel cells are 80 percent efficient in converting the potential energy of hydrogen and oxygen into electricity, with water as their only by-product. In contrast, thermal fossil fuel power plants are only 35 to 50 percent efficient, and they produce a wide range of pollutants as by-products. However, there are some who believe that hydrogen fuel cells will not provide a solution to our energy problems.

Despite the many advantages of hydrogen as a fuel, it also has a number of disadvantages. First, scientists must learn how to obtain hydrogen without expending more fossil fuel energy than its use would save. This means that the energy for the hydrogen generation process must come from a renewable resource such as wind or solar energy rather than fossil fuels. Second, suppliers will need a distribution network to safely deliver hydrogen to consumers—something similar to our current system of gasoline delivery trucks and gasoline stations. Hydrogen can be stored as a liquid or as a gas, although each storage medium has its limitations. In a fuel cell vehicle, hydrogen would probably be stored in the form of a gas in a large tank under very high pressure. Vehicles would have to be redesigned with fuel tanks much larger than current gasoline tanks to achieve an equivalent travel distance per tank. There is also the risk of a tank rupture, in which case the hydrogen might catch fire or explode.

Given these obstacles, why is hydrogen even considered a viable energy alternative? Ultimately, hydrogen-fueled vehicles could be a sustainable means of transportation because a hydrogen-fueled car would use an electric motor. Electric motors are more efficient than internal combustion engines: While an internal combustion engine converts about 20 percent of the fuel’s energy into the motion of the drive train, an electric motor can convert 60 percent of its energy into motion. So if we generated electricity from hydrogen at 80 percent efficiency, and used an electric motor to convert that electricity into vehicular motion at 60 percent efficiency, we would have a vehicle that is much more efficient than one with an internal combustion engine. Thus, even if we obtained hydrogen by burning natural gas, the total amount of energy used to move an electric vehicle using hydrogen might still be substantially less than the total amount needed to move a car fueled by gasoline. Using solar or wind energy to produce the hydrogen would lower the environmental cost even more, and the energy supply would be renewable. In those circumstances, an automobile could be fueled by a truly renewable source of energy that is both carbon neutral and pollution free.