chapter 16Review
In this chapter, we examined municipal solid waste. We observed that waste is unique to human beings. Total MSW and per capita waste generation in the United States has leveled off in recent years. The diversion of material from the solid waste stream can occur from reduction, reusing, recycling, and composting. The total amount and per capita recycling had been increasing for a number of years but has leveled off since roughly 2008. Waste disposal relies on landfills or incineration, both of which have benefits and adverse consequences. Hazardous waste is a special category of waste that must be handled and disposed of with particular care. There is national legislation that addresses hazardous waste. Life-
Module 51 Only Humans Generate Waste
Explain why we generate waste and describe recent waste disposal trends.
From an ecological and systems perspective, waste is composed of the nonuseful products of a system. Much of the solid waste problem in the United States stems from the attitudes of the “throw-
Describe the content of the solid waste stream in the United States.
Solid waste in the United States is composed of primarily paper, food, and yard waste. The total amount and per capita waste generation was steadily increasing in the United States until the last few years, during which there has been a slight decline.
Module 52 The Three Rs and Composting
Describe the three Rs.
The three Rs—
Understand the process and benefits of composting.
Composting is the diversion of organic material such as food and yard waste from the waste stream and allowing it to decompose into organic soil (humus). Composting, source reduction, and reuse generally have lower energy and financial costs than recycling, but all are important ways to minimize solid waste production.
Module 53 Landfills and Incineration
Describe the goals and function of a solid waste landfill.
Currently, most solid waste in the United States is buried in landfills. Contemporary landfills entomb the garbage and keep water and air from entering and leachate from escaping. The potential for toxic leachate to contaminate surrounding waterways is one major concern. The other concern is the generation of methane gas. Siting of landfills often raises issues of environmental justice.
Explain the design and purpose of a solid waste incinerator.
Incineration is an alternative to landfills. Its main benefit is that it reduces the waste material to roughly one-
Module 54 Hazardous Waste
Define hazardous waste and discuss the issues involved in handling it.
Hazardous waste is a special category of material that is especially toxic to humans and the environment. It includes industrial by-
Describe regulations and legislation regarding hazardous waste.
Though a variety of regulations and legislation have been implemented to address issues of hazardous waste, many problems remain. CERCLA, also called the Superfund Act, is probably the most well-
Module 55 New Ways to Think About Solid Waste
Explain the purpose of life-
Describe alternative ways to handle waste and waste generation.
The best solution is to design products with a strategy for their ultimate reuse or their dismantling and recycling. This approach has become more common in recent years.