In Chapter 5, we noted that the world has experienced five major extinctions during the past 500 million years. Many scientists have suggested that we may currently be in the midst of a sixth mass extinction event. In the most recent assessment made in 2014, scientists estimate that the world is currently experiencing approximately 1,000 species extinctions per year. This sixth mass extinction is unique because it is happening over a relatively short period of time and is the first mass extinction to occur since humans have been present on Earth.
In this module, we will examine the declines in biodiversity of Earth at various levels of complexity including genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecosystem function. In each case, we will examine the roles that humans have played in the decline of biodiversity.
Learning Objectives
After reading this module you should be able to
explain the global decline in the genetic diversity of wild species.
discuss the global decline in the genetic diversity of domesticated species.
identify the patterns of global decline in species diversity.
explain the values of ecosystems and the global declines in ecosystem function.
At the lowest level of complexity, environmental scientists are concerned about conserving genetic diversity. Populations with low genetic diversity are not well suited to surviving environmental change and they are prone to inbreeding depression, as we discussed in Chapter 6. Inbreeding depression by parents that each carry a harmful recessive mutation causes some of their offspring to receive two copies of the harmful mutation and, as a result, causes the offspring to have a poor chance of survival and later reproduction. High genetic diversity ensures that a wider range of genotypes is present, which reduces the probability that an offspring will receive the same harmful mutation from both parents. In addition, high genetic diversity improves the probability of surviving future change in the environment. This happens because high genetic diversity produces a wide range of phenotypes that survive and reproduce under different environmental conditions.
Some declines in genetic diversity have natural causes. Cheetahs, for example, possess very low genetic diversity. Researchers have determined that this condition is the result of a population bottleneck that occurred approximately 10,000 years ago (see FIGURE 15.10). Other declines in genetic diversity have human causes. For example, we discussed in Chapter 5 that the Florida panther once roamed throughout the southeastern United States (FIGURE 59.1). Because of hunting and habitat destruction, the population of the Florida panther shrank to only a small group in south Florida and this led to inbreeding. This inbreeding caused a number of harmful defects that caused the population to decline even further. After scientists released 8 panthers from Texas into Florida to add genetic diversity, the Florida panther population increased from 20 to nearly 100 individuals.
Although declining genetic variation of plants and animals in the wild is of great concern to scientists, there are also major concerns about declining genetic variation in the domesticated species of crops and livestock on which humans depend. The United Nations notes that the majority of livestock species comes from seven species of mammals (donkeys, buffalo, cattle, goats, horses, pigs, and sheep) and four species of birds (chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys). In different parts of the world, these species have been bred by humans for a variety of characteristics including adaptations that allow them to survive local climates. For example, humans have bred for a tremendous diversity of traits in cattle, as illustrated in FIGURE 59.2. This wide variety of adaptations, which is produced by a great deal of genetic variation, could be used for adapting to changing environmental conditions in the future or resisting new diseases. Unfortunately, livestock producers have concentrated their efforts on the breeds that are most productive and much of this genetic variation is being lost. In Europe, for example, half of the breeds of livestock that existed in 1900 are now extinct. Of those that remain, 43 percent are currently at serious risk of extinction. Of the 200 breeds of domesticated animals that have been evaluated in North America, 80 percent of these breeds are either declining or are already facing extinction.
A similar story exists for crop plants. A century ago, most of the crops that humans consumed were composed of hundreds or thousands of unique genetic varieties. Each variety grew well under specific environmental conditions and was usually resistant to local pests. In addition, each variety often had its own unique flavor. As we saw in Chapter 11, the green revolution in agriculture focused on techniques that increased productivity. Farmers planted fewer varieties, concentrating on those with higher yields. Fertilizers and irrigation helped humans control many of the abiotic conditions, allowing fewer but higher-
Planting only a few varieties leaves us open to crop loss if the abiotic or biotic environment changes. For example, in the 1970s, a fungus spread through cornfields of the southern United States and killed half the crop. Although the fungus was uncommon, the high-
The nations of the world have recognized the problem of declining seed diversity and have responded by storing seed varieties in specially designed warehouses to preserve genetic diversity. In fact, there are currently more than 1,400 such storage facilities around the world. However, many of these facilities are at risk from war and natural disasters. In the past decade, nations and philanthropists have funded an international storage facility known as the Svalbard Global Seed Vault (FIGURE 59.3). This facility consists of a tunnel built into the side of a frozen mountain on an island in the Arctic region of northern Norway. It was designed to resist a wide range of possible calamities, including natural disasters and global warming. Should the environment change in future years, either in terms of abiotic conditions or because of emergent diseases, the seed bank will be available to help scientists address the challenge. The Svalbard facility opened in 2008 with a capacity of 14.5 million seed varieties. As of 2013, more than 700,000 seed samples had been sent to Svalbard for long-
Extinction occurs when the last member of a species dies. These major extinction events are characterized as a loss of at least 75 percent of all species within a period of 2 million years. Scientists estimate that as a result of these multiple mass extinctions and many minor extinctions, nearly 99 percent of the 4 billion species that have existed on Earth have gone extinct. However, because each of these mass extinction events has been followed by high rates of speciation that produced new species, we still have millions of species on Earth.
One way to assess the current extinction rate is by comparing the rate of extinction for groups of organisms, such as mammals, for which we have an excellent fossil record. Using this fossil record, we can compare the rate of species extinctions during the past 500 years to previous 500-
Threatened species According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), species that have a high risk of extinction in the future.
Least concern species Species that are widespread and abundant.
To understand the current loss of species around the world, we can look at how particular groups of species are declining. When considering the status of a species, we use one of five categories defined by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Data-
Evaluating the status of different plant and animal groups presents several challenges. Many species fall under the category of data-
Of the estimated 10 million species that currently live on Earth, ranging from bacteria to whales, only about 50,000 have been assessed to determine whether their populations are increasing, stable, or declining. Across all groups of organisms that have been assessed, nearly one-
Since the year 1500, nearly 10,000 bird species have existed and 130 have become extinct. Today, 22 percent are threatened or near-
A similar pattern exists for mammals. Of the nearly 5,500 species of mammals known to have existed after 1500, 77 are extinct. Among the approximately 4,600 species for which there are reliable data, 25 percent are threatened and 32 percent are either threatened or near-
Amphibians are experiencing the greatest global declines. Of the more than 6,300 species of amphibians, 34 species are extinct. However, a recent assessment of amphibian populations suggests that the number of extinctions may accelerate in the coming decades. Among the approximately 4,700 species for which reliable data exist, 49 percent are either threatened or near-
Many other groups of organisms are also experiencing large declines, but complete assessments have not yet been conducted because of the time and money required for each assessment. However, from the sample of species that have been assessed in each group, we see an emerging picture that is far from positive. For example, from this sample, approximately one-
Given that we rely on a relatively small number of the millions of species on Earth for our essential needs, why should we care about the millions of other species that live in various ecosystems? To understand the value of ecosystems, we can consider both intrinsic values and instrumental values.
Intrinsic value Value independent of any benefit to humans.
Many people believe that ecosystems have intrinsic value—that is, that ecosystems are valuable independent of any benefit to humans. These beliefs may grow out of religious or philosophical convictions. People who believe that ecosystems are inherently valuable may argue that we have a moral obligation to preserve them. They may equate the obligation of protecting ecosystems with our responsibility toward people or animals that might need our help to survive. People who argue that ecosystems are valuable independent of any benefit to humans generally believe that environmental policy and the protection of ecosystems should be driven by this intrinsic value.
Instrumental value Worth as an instrument or a tool that can be used to accomplish a goal.
An ecosystem may also have instrumental value, meaning that it has worth as an instrument or tool that can be used to accomplish a goal. Instrumental values, which include the value of items such as crops, lumber, and pharmaceutical drugs, can be thought of in terms of how much economic benefit a species bestows. As noted in Chapter 1, we often refer to these instrumental values as ecosystem services. When calculating the instrumental value of various ecosystem services, we can consider five categories: provisions, regulating services, support systems, resilience, and cultural services.
Provision A good that humans can use directly.
Goods produced by ecosystems that humans can use directly are called provisions. Examples include lumber, food crops, medicinal plants, natural rubber, and furs. Of the top 150 prescription drugs sold in the United States, about 70 percent come from natural sources. For example, Taxol, a potent anticancer drug, was originally discovered in the bark of the Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia), a rare tree that grows in forests of the Pacific Northwest (FIGURE 59.5). Once approved by the FDA, the synthetic version of this single drug has had annual sales of over $1.5 billion. There is no way to estimate the potential value of natural pharmaceuticals that have yet to be discovered, but currently more than 800 natural chemicals have been identified as having potential uses to improve human health. Therefore, our best strategy may be to preserve as much biodiversity as we can to improve our chances of finding the next critical drug.
Regulating Services
Natural ecosystems help to regulate environmental conditions. For example, humans currently add about 8 gigatons of carbon to the atmosphere annually (1 gigaton = 1 trillion kilograms), but only about 4 gigatons of carbon remain there. The rest is removed by natural ecosystems, such as tropical rainforests and oceans, which provide us with more time to address climate change than we would otherwise have (FIGURE 59.6). As we have already seen, ecosystems also are important in regulating nutrient and hydrologic cycles.
Support Systems
Natural ecosystems provide numerous support services that would be extremely costly for humans to generate. One example is pollination of food crops (FIGURE 59.7). The American Institute of Biological Sciences estimates that crop pollination in the United States by native species of bees and other insects, hummingbirds, and bats is worth roughly $3.1 billion in added food production. In addition to providing habitat for animals that pollinate crops, ecosystems provide natural pest control services because they provide habitat for predators that prey on agricultural pests. Although organic farmers, who rarely use synthetic pesticides, gain the most from these pest controls, conventional agriculture benefits as well.
Healthy ecosystems also filter harmful pathogens and chemicals from water, leaving humans with water that requires relatively little treatment prior to drinking. Without these water-
We have already seen that resilience ensures an ecosystem will continue to exist in its current state, which means it can continue to provide benefits to humans. Resilience depends greatly on species diversity. For example, several different species may perform similar functions in an ecosystem but differ in their susceptibility to disturbance. If a pollutant kills one plant species that contains nitrogen-
Cultural Services
Ecosystems provide cultural or aesthetic benefits to many people. The awe-
The Monetary Value of Ecosystem Services
Most economists believe that the instrumental values of an ecosystem can be assigned monetary values, and they are beginning to incorporate these values into their calculations of the economic costs and benefits of various human activities. However, assigning a dollar value is easier for some categories of ecosystem services than for others. In 1997, a team of scientists and economists attempted to estimate the total value of ecosystem services to the human economy. They considered replacement value—
The Decline of Ecosystem Services
Because species help determine the services that ecosystems can provide, we would expect declines in species diversity to be associated with declines in ecosystem function. In the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment conducted in 2005, the most recent assessment conducted, scientists from around the world examined the current state of 24 ecosystem functions, including food production, pollination, water purification, and the cycling of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Of these 24 different ecosystem functions, 15 were found to be declining or used at a rate that cannot be sustained. If we want to improve ecosystem functions, we need to improve the fate of the species and ecosystems that provide these services.