module 2 Environmental Indicators and Sustainability


As we study the way humans have altered the natural world, it is important to have techniques for measuring and quantifying human impact. Environmental indicators allow us to assess the impact of humans on Earth. The use of these indicators help us determine whether or not the quality of the natural environment is improving and inform discussions on the sustainability of humans on the planet.

Learning Objectives

After reading this module you should be able to

Environmental scientists monitor natural systems for signs of stress

Ecosystem services The processes by which life-supporting resources such as clean water, timber, fisheries, and agricultural crops are produced.

One critical question that environmental scientists investigate is whether the planet’s natural life-support systems are being degraded by human-induced changes. Natural environments provide what we refer to as ecosystem services—the processes by which life-supporting resources such as clean water, timber, fisheries, and agricultural crops are produced. Although we often take a healthy ecosystem for granted, we notice when an ecosystem is degraded or stressed because it is unable to provide the same services or produce the same goods. To understand the extent of our effect on the environment, we need to be able to measure the health of Earth’s ecosystems.

Environmental indicator An indicator that describes the current state of an environmental system.

To describe the health and quality of natural systems, environmental scientists use environmental indicators. Just as body temperature and heart rate can indicate whether a person is healthy or sick, environmental indicators describe the current state of an environmental system. These indicators do not always tell us what is causing a change, but they do tell us when we might need to look more deeply into a particular issue. Environmental indicators provide valuable information about natural systems on both small and large scales. Some of these indicators and the chapters in which they are covered are listed in TABLE 2.1.

In this book we will focus on the five global-scale environmental indicators listed in TABLE 2.2: biological diversity, food production, average global surface temperature and carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere, human population, and resource depletion. Throughout the text we will cover each of these five indicators in greater detail. Here we take a first look.



Biological Diversity


Biodiversity The diversity of life forms in an environment.

Figure 2.1: FIGURE 2.1 Levels of biodiversity. Biodiversity exists at three scales. (a) Ecosystem diversity is the variety of ecosystems within a region. (b) Species diversity is the variety of species within an ecosystem. (c) Genetic diversity is the variety of genes among individuals of a species.

Biological diversity, or biodiversity, is the diversity of life forms in an environment. It exists on three scales: ecosystem, species, and genetic, illustrated in FIGURE 2.1. Each level of biodiversity is an important indicator of environmental health and quality.

Genetic Diversity

Genetic diversity A measure of the genetic variation among individuals in a population.

Genetic diversity is a measure of the genetic variation among individuals in a population. Populations with high genetic diversity are better able to respond to environmental change than populations with lower genetic diversity. For example, if a population of fish possesses high genetic diversity for disease resistance, at least some individuals are likely to survive whatever diseases move through the population. If the population declines in number, however, the amount of genetic diversity it can possess is also reduced, and this reduction increases the likelihood that the population will decline further when exposed to a disease.

Species Diversity

Species A group of organisms that is distinct from other groups in its morphology (body form and structure), behavior, or biochemical properties.

A species is defined as a group of organisms that is distinct from other groups in its morphology (body form and structure), behavior, or biochemical properties. Individuals within a species can breed and produce fertile offspring. Scientists have identified and cataloged approximately 2 million species on Earth. Estimates of the total number of species on Earth range between 5 million and 100 million, with the most common estimate at 10 million. This number includes a large array of organisms with a multitude of sizes, shapes, colors, and roles.

Species diversity The number of species in a region or in a particular type of habitat.

Species diversity indicates the number of species in a region or in a particular type of habitat. Scientists have observed that ecosystems with more species—that is, higher species diversity—are more productive and resilient—that is, better able to recover from disturbance. For example, a tropical forest with a large number of plant species growing in the understory is likely to be more productive, and better able to withstand change, than a nearby tropical forest plantation with one crop species growing in the understory.

Speciation The evolution of new species.

Background extinction rate The average rate at which species become extinct over the long term.

Environmental scientists often focus on species diversity as a critical environmental indicator. The number of frog species, for example, is used as an indicator of regional environmental health because frogs are exposed to both the water and the air in their ecosystem. A decrease in the number of frog species in a particular ecosystem may be an indicator of environmental problems there. Species losses in several ecosystems can indicate environmental problems on a larger scale. Not all species losses are indicators of environmental problems, however. Species arise and others go extinct as part of the natural evolutionary process. The evolution of new species, known as speciation, typically happens very slowly—perhaps on the order of one to three new species per year worldwide. The average rate at which species go extinct over the long term is referred to as the background extinction rate. The background extinction rate is also very slow: about one species in a million every year. So with 2 million identified species on Earth, the background extinction rate should be about two species per year.


Under conditions of environmental change or biological stress, species may go extinct faster than new ones evolve. Some scientists estimate that more than 1,000 species are currently going extinct each year—which is about 500 times the background rate of extinction. Habitat destruction and habitat degradation are the major causes of species extinction today, although climate change, overharvesting, and pressure from introduced species also contribute to species loss. Human intervention has saved certain species, including the American bison, peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), and American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). But other large animal species, such as the Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris), snow leopard (Panthera uncia), and West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), remain endangered and may go extinct if present trends are not reversed. Overall, the number of species has been declining (FIGURE 2.2).

Figure 2.2: FIGURE 2.2 Species on the brink. Humans have saved some species from the brink of extinction, such as (a) the American bison and (b) the peregrine falcon. Other species, such as the (c) snow leopard and (d) the West Indian manatee, continue to decline.
(a: Richard A. McMillin/Shutterstock; b: Jim Zipp/Science Source; c: AlanCarey/Science Source; d: Douglas Faulkner/Science Source)

Ecosystem Diversity

Ecosystem diversity is a measure of the diversity of ecosystems or habitats that exist in a given region. A greater number of healthy and productive ecosystems means a healthier environment overall. As an environmental indicator, the current loss of biodiversity tells us that natural systems are facing strains unlike any in the recent past. We will look at this important topic in greater detail in Chapters 5 and 18.


Some measures of biodiversity are given in terms of land area, so becoming familiar with measurements of land area is important to understanding them. A hectare (ha) is a unit of area used primarily in the measurement of land. It represents 100 meters by 100 meters. In the United States we measure land area in terms of square miles and acres. However, the rest of the world measures land in hectares. “Do the Math: Converting Between Hectares and Acres” shows you how to do the conversion.

Figure 2.3: FIGURE 2.3 World grain production per person. Grain production has increased since the 1950s, but it has recently begun to level off.

Food Production

The second of our five global indicators is food production: our ability to grow food to nourish the human population. Just as a healthy ecosystem supports a wide range of species, a healthy soil supports abundant and continuous food production. Food grains such as wheat, corn, and rice provide more than half the calories and protein humans consume. Still, the growth of the human population is straining our ability to grow and distribute adequate amounts of food.

In the past we have used science and technology to increase the amount of food we can produce on a given area of land. World grain production has increased fairly steadily since 1950 as a result of expanded irrigation, fertilization, new crop varieties, and other innovations. At the same time, worldwide production of grain per person, also called per capita world grain production, has leveled off. FIGURE 2.3 shows what might be a slight downward trend in wheat production since about 1985.

In 2008, food shortages around the world led to higher food prices and even riots in some places. Why did this happen? The amount of grain produced worldwide is influenced by many factors. These factors include climatic conditions, the amount and quality of land under cultivation, irrigation, and the human labor and energy required to plant, harvest, and bring the grain to market. Grain production is not keeping up with population growth because in some areas the productivity of agricultural ecosystems has declined as a result of soil degradation, crop diseases, and unfavorable weather conditions such as drought or flooding. In addition, demand is outpacing supply. While the rate of human population growth has outpaced increases in food production, humans currently use more grain to feed livestock than they consume themselves. Finally, some government policies discourage food production by making it more profitable for land to remain uncultivated or by encouraging farmers to grow crops for fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel instead of food.

Will there be sufficient grain to feed the world’s population in the future? In the past, whenever a shortage of food has loomed, humans have discovered and employed technological or biological innovations to increase production. However, these innovations often put a strain on the productivity of the soil. If we continue to overexploit the soil, its ability to sustain food production may decline dramatically. We will take a closer look at soil quality in Chapter 8 and food production in Chapter 11.


Average Global Surface Temperature and Carbon Dioxide Concentrations

We have seen that biodiversity and abundant food production are necessary for life. One of the things that makes them possible is a stable climate. Earth’s temperature has been relatively constant since the earliest forms of life began, about 3.5 billion years ago. The temperature of Earth allows the presence of liquid water, which is necessary for life.

Greenhouse gases Gases in Earth’s atmosphere that trap heat near the surface.

Figure 2.4: FIGURE 2.4 The Earth-surface energy balance. As Earth’s surface is warmed by the Sun, it radiates heat outward. Heat-trapping gases absorb the outgoing heat and reradiate some of it back to Earth. Without these greenhouse gases, Earth would be much cooler.

What keeps Earth’s temperature so constant? As FIGURE 2.4 shows, our thick planetary atmosphere contains many gases. Some of these atmospheric gases, known as greenhouse gases, trap heat near Earth’s surface. The most important greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide (CO2). During most of the history of life on Earth, greenhouse gases have been present in the atmosphere at fairly constant concentrations for relatively long periods. They help keep Earth’s surface within the range of temperatures at which life can flourish.

Anthropogenic Derived from human activities.

In the past 2 centuries, however, the concentrations of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have risen. Today, atmospheric CO2 concentrations are greater than 400 parts per million (ppm). During roughly the same period, as the graph in FIGURE 2.5 shows, while global temperatures have fluctuated considerably, they have displayed an overall increase. (Note that this graph has two y axes. See the appendix “Reading Graphs” if you’d like to learn more about reading a graph like this one.) Many scientists believe that the increase in atmospheric CO2 during the last two centuries is anthropogenic—that is, the increase is derived from human activities. The two major sources of anthropogenic CO2 are the combustion of fossil fuels and the net loss of forests and other habitats that would otherwise take up and store CO2 from the atmosphere. We will discuss climate in Chapter 4 and global climate change in Chapter 19.

Figure 2.5: FIGURE 2.5 Changes in average global surface temperature and in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Earth’s average global surface temperature has increased steadily for at least the past 100 years. Carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere have varied over geologic time, but have risen steadily since 1960.
(Data from and

Human Population

In addition to biodiversity, food production, and global surface temperature, the size of the human population can tell us a great deal about the health of our global environment. The human population is currently 7.2 billion and growing. The increasing world population places additional demands on natural systems, since each new person requires food, water, and other resources. In any given 24-hour period, 387,000 infants are born and 155,000 people die. The net result is 232,000 new inhabitants on Earth each day, or over a million additional people every 5 days. Although the rate of population growth has been slowing since the 1960s, world population size will still continue to increase for at least another 50 to 100 years. Most population scientists project that the human population will be somewhere between 8.1 billion and 9.6 billion in 2050 and will stabilize between 7.1 billion and 10.5 billion by 2100.

Figure 2.6: FIGURE 2.6 The effect of crowded cities on natural and human systems. The human population will continue to grow for at least 50 years. Unless humans can devise ways to live more sustainably, these population increases will put additional strains on natural systems. Here, a street scene in Kolkata.
(Deshakalyan Chowdhury/AFP/Getty Images)


Can the planet sustain so many people (FIGURE 2.6)? Even if the human population eventually stops growing, the billions of additional people will create a greater demand on Earth’s finite resources, including food, energy, and land. Unless humans work to reduce these pressures, the human population will put a rapidly growing strain on natural systems for at least the first half of this century. We discuss human population issues in Chapter 7.

Resource Depletion

Natural resources provide the energy and materials that support human civilization but, as the human population grows, the resources necessary for our survival become increasingly depleted. In addition, extracting these natural resources can affect the health of our environment in many ways. Pollution and land degradation caused by mining, waste from discarded manufactured products, and air pollution from fossil fuel combustion are just a few of the negative environmental consequences of resource extraction and use.

Some natural resources, such as coal, oil, and uranium, are finite and cannot be renewed or reused. Others, such as aluminum or copper, also exist in finite quantities but can be used multiple times through reuse or recycling. Renewable resources, such as timber, can be grown and harvested indefinitely, but in some locations these resources are being used faster than they can be naturally replenished. “Do the Math: Rates of Forest Clearing” on page 14 provides an opportunity to calculate rates of one type of resource depletion.

Sustaining the global human population requires vast quantities of resources. However, in addition to the total amounts of resources used by humans, we must consider per capita resource use.

Development Improvement in human well-being through economic advancement.

Patterns of resource consumption vary enormously among nations depending on their level of development. What exactly do we mean by development? Development is defined as improvement in human well-being through economic advancement. Development influences personal and collective human lifestyles—things such as automobile use, the amount of meat in the diet, and the availability and use of technologies such as cell phones and personal computers. As economies develop, resource consumption also increases: People drive more automobiles, live in larger homes, and purchase more goods. These increases can often have implications for the natural environment.

According to the United Nations Development Programme, people in developed nations—including the United States, Canada, Australia, most European countries, and Japan—use most of the world’s resources. FIGURE 2.7 shows that the 20 percent of the global population that lives in developed nations owns 87 percent of the world’s automobiles and consumes 58 percent of all energy, 84 percent of all paper, and 45 percent of all fish and meat. The poorest 20 percent of the world’s people consume 5 percent or less of these resources. Thus, even though the number of people in the developing countries is much larger than the number in the developed countries, their total consumption of natural resources is relatively small.

Figure 2.7: FIGURE 2.7 Resource use in developed and developing countries. Only 20 percent of the world’s population lives in developed countries, but that 20 percent uses most of the world’s resources. The remaining 80 percent of the population lives in developing countries and uses far fewer resources per capita.


So while it is true that a larger human population has greater environmental impacts, a full evaluation requires that we look at economic development and consumption patterns as well. We will take a closer look at resource depletion and consumption patterns in Chapters 7, 12, and 13.

Human well-being depends on sustainable practice

Sustainability Living on Earth in a way that allows humans to use its resources without depriving future generations of those resources.

The five key environmental indicators that we have just discussed help us analyze the health of the planet. We can use this information to guide us toward sustainability, by which we mean living on Earth in a way that allows us to use its resources without depriving future generations of those resources. Many scientists maintain that achieving sustainability is the single most important goal for the human species. It is also one of the most challenging tasks we face.

The Impact of Consumption on the Environment

We have seen that people living in developed nations consume a far greater share of the world’s resources than do people in developing countries. What effect does this consumption have on our environment? It is easy to imagine a very small human population living on Earth without degrading its environment because there simply would not be enough people to do significant damage. Today, however, Earth’s population is 7.2 billion people and growing. Many environmental scientists ask how we will be able to continue to produce sufficient food, build needed infrastructure, and process pollution and waste. Our current attempts to sustain the human population have already modified many environmental systems. Can we continue our current level of resource consumption without jeopardizing the well-being of future generations?

Figure 2.8: FIGURE 2.8 The cautionary story from Easter Island. The overuse of resources by the people of Easter Island is probably the primary cause for the demise of that civilization.
(Hubertus Kanus/Science Source)


Easter Island, in the South Pacific, provides a cautionary tale (FIGURE 2.8). This island, also called Rapa Nui, was once covered with trees and grasses. When humans settled the island many hundreds of years ago, they quickly multiplied in its hospitable environment. They cut down trees to build homes and to make canoes for fishing, but they overused the island’s soil and water resources. By the 1870s, almost all of the trees were gone. Without the trees to hold the soil in place, massive erosion occurred, and the loss of soil caused food production to decrease. While other forces, including diseases introduced by European visitors, were also involved in the destruction of the population, the unsustainable use of natural resources on Easter Island appears to be the primary cause for the collapse of its civilization.

Most environmental scientists believe that there are limits to the supply of clean air and water, nutritious foods, and other life-sustaining resources our environment can provide. They also believe there is a point at which Earth will no longer be able to maintain a stable climate. We must meet several requirements in order to live sustainably:

Sustainable development Development that balances current human well-being and economic advancement with resource management for the benefit of future generations.

Sustainable development is development that balances current human well-being and economic advancement with resource management for the benefit of future generations. This is not as easy as it sounds. The issues involved in evaluating sustainability are complex, in part because sustainability depends not only on the number of people using a resource but also on how that resource is used. For example, eating chicken is sustainable when people raise their own chickens and allow them to forage for food on the land. However, if all people, including city dwellers, wanted to eat chicken six times a week, the amount of resources needed to raise that many chickens would probably make the practice of eating chicken unsustainable.

Figure 2.9: FIGURE 2.9 Living sustainably. Sustainable choices such as bicycling to work or school can help protect the environment and conserve resources for future generations.
(Jim West/The Image Works)

Living sustainably means acting in a way such that activities that are crucial to human society can continue. It includes practices such as conserving and finding alternatives to nonrenewable resources as well as protecting the capacity of the environment to continue to supply renewable resources (FIGURE 2.9).

Consider iron, a nonrenewable resource derived from ore removed from the ground. Iron is the major constituent of steel, which we use to make many things, including automobiles, bicycles, and strong frames for tall buildings. Historically, our ability to smelt iron for steel limited our use of that resource, but as we have improved steel manufacturing technology, steel has become more readily available and the demand for it has grown. Because of this increased demand, our current use of iron is unsustainable. What would happen if we ran out of iron? While not too long ago the depletion of iron ore might have been a catastrophe, today we have developed materials that can substitute for certain uses of steel—for example, carbon fiber—and we also know how to recycle steel. Developing substitutes and recycling materials are two ways to address the problem of resource depletion and to increase sustainability.


The example of iron leads us to a question that environmental scientists often ask: How do we determine the importance of a given resource? If we use up a resource such as iron for which substitutes exist, it is possible that the consequences will not be severe. However, if we are unable to find an alternative to the resource—for example, something to replace fossil fuels—people in the developed nations may have to make significant changes in their consumption habits.

Defining Human Needs

We have seen that sustainable development requires us to determine how we can meet our current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Let’s look at how environmental science can help us achieve that goal. We will begin by defining needs.

If you have ever experienced an interruption of electricity to your home or school, you know how frustrating it can be. Without the use of lights, computers, televisions, air-conditioning, heating, and refrigeration, many people feel disconnected and uncomfortable. Almost everyone in the developed world would insist that they need—indeed, cannot live without—electricity. In other parts of the world, however, people have never had these modern conveniences. So, when we speak of basic needs, we are referring only to the essentials that sustain human life, including air, water, food, and shelter.

Biophilia Love of life.

Figure 2.10: FIGURE 2.10 Central Park, New York City. New Yorkers have set aside 341 ha (843 acres) in the center of the largest city in the United States—a testament to the compelling human need for interactions with nature.

But humans also have more complex needs. Many psychologists have argued that we require meaningful human interactions in order to live a satisfying life, and so a community of some sort might be considered a human need. Biologist Edward O. Wilson wrote that humans exhibit biophilia—that is, love of life—which is a need to make “the connections that humans subconsciously seek with the rest of life.” Thus our needs for access to natural areas, for beauty, and for social connections can be considered as vital to our well-being as our basic physical needs and must be considered as part of our long-term goal of global sustainability (FIGURE 2.10).

The Ecological Footprint

We have begun to see the multitude of ways in which human activities affect the environment. As countries prosper, their populations use more resources. Economic development can sometimes improve environmental conditions. For instance, wealthier countries may have the resources to implement pollution controls and invest money to protect native species. So although people in developing countries do not consume the same quantity of resources as those in developed nations, they may be less likely to use environmentally friendly technologies or to have the financial resources to implement environmental protections.

How do we determine what lifestyles have the greatest environmental impact? This is an important question for environmental scientists if we are to understand the effects of human activities on the planet and develop sustainable practices. Calculating sustainability, however, is more difficult than one might think because we must consider the impacts of our activities and lifestyles on different aspects of our environment. We use land to grow food and to build structures on, and for parks and recreation. We require water for drinking, for cleaning, and for manufacturing products such as paper, and we need clean air to breathe. Yet these goods and services are all interdependent: Using or protecting one has an effect on the others. For example, using land for conventional agriculture may require water for irrigation, fertilizer to promote plant growth, and pesticides to reduce crop damage. This use of land reduces the amount of water available for human use: The plants consume it and the pesticides pollute it.


Ecological footprint A measure of how much an individual consumes, expressed in area of land.

Figure 2.11: FIGURE 2.11 The ecological footprint. An individual’s ecological footprint is a measure of how much land is needed to supply the goods and services that individual uses. Only some of the many factors that go into the calculation of the footprint are shown here. (The actual amount of land used for each resource is not drawn to scale.)

One method used to assess whether we are living sustainably is to measure the impact of a person or country on world resources. The tool many environmental scientists use for this purpose, the ecological footprint, was developed in 1995 by Professor William E. Rees and his graduate student Mathis Wackernagel. An individual’s ecological footprint is a measure of how much that person consumes, expressed in area of land—that is, the output from the total amount of land required to support a person’s lifestyle represents that person’s ecological footprint (FIGURE 2.11).

Rees and Wackernagel maintained that if our lifestyle demands more land than is available, then we must be living unsustainably—using up resources more quickly than they can be produced, or producing wastes more quickly than they can be processed. For example, each person requires a certain number of food calories every day. We know the number of calories in a given amount of grain or meat. We also know how much farmland or rangeland is needed to grow the grain to feed people or livestock such as sheep, chickens, or cows. If a person eats only grains or plants, the amount of land needed to provide that person with food is simply the amount of land needed to grow the plants they eat. If that person eats meat, however, the amount of land required to feed that person is greater, because we must also consider the land required to raise and feed the livestock that ultimately become meat. Thus one factor in the size of a person’s ecological footprint is the amount of meat in the diet. Meat consumption is a lifestyle choice, and per capita meat consumption is much greater in developed countries. We can calculate the ecological footprint of the food we eat, the water and energy we use, and even the activities we perform that contribute to climate change. Other metrics for calculating our impact on Earth exist as well.