chapter 8Review
In this chapter, we have examined how geologic processes such as plate tectonics, earthquakes, and volcanism have led to the differential distribution of elements and minerals on the surface of Earth. These geologic processes, which have occurred at different rates over long periods of time, have led to the formation of different rocks and minerals on or near the surface of Earth. Rocks and minerals have undergone weathering at different rates and have been eroded and deposited elsewhere on Earth. This has been one of the contributors to soil formation. Soils are a membrane that covers much of the land surface on Earth and these soils contain a mixture of geologic material from below and organic material from plants and animals from above. We have also examined how the actions involved in removal of valuable mineral resources from on top and below the surface of Earth have affected a number of environmental processes.
Module 24 Mineral Resources and Geology
Describe the formation of Earth and the distribution of critical elements on Earth.
Earth formed from cosmic dust in the solar system. As it cooled, heavier elements, such as iron, sank toward the core, while lighter elements, such as silica, floated toward the surface. These processes have led to an uneven distribution of elements and minerals throughout the planet.
Define the theory of plate tectonics and discuss its relevance to the study of the environment.
Earth is overlain by a series of plates that move at rates of a few millimeters per year. Plates can move away from each other, move toward each other, or slide past each other. One plate can be subducted under another. These tectonic processes create mountains, earthquakes, and volcanoes.
Describe the rock cycle and discuss its importance in environmental science.
Rocks are made up of minerals, which are formed from the various chemical elements in Earth’s crust. The processes of the rock cycle lead to the formation, breakdown, and recycling of rocks.
Module 25 Weathering and Soil Science
Understand how weathering and erosion occur and how they contribute to element cycling and soil formation.
Physical weathering is the mechanical breakdown of rocks and minerals while chemical weathering is a result of chemical reactions. Both occur as a result of natural processes and can be accelerated by human activities. Erosion is the physical removal of rock fragments and weathering products that are subsequently deposited elsewhere.
Explain how soil forms and describe its characteristics.
Soil forms as the result of physical and chemical weathering of rocks and the gradual accumulation of organic detritus from the biosphere. The factors that determine soil properties are parent material, climate, topography, soil organisms, and time. The relative abundances of sand, silt, and clay in a soil determine its texture.
Describe how humans extract elements and minerals and the social and environmental consequences of these activities.
Concentrated accumulations of minerals from which economically valuable materials can be extracted are called ores. Ores are removed by surface or subsurface mining operations. Surface mining generally results in greater environmental impacts, whereas subsurface mining is more dangerous to miners. With the exception of coal mining, legislation directly related to mining does not address most environmental considerations.