• Make sure the way you use your time supports your goals for being in college. All your time doesn’t have to be spent studying, but remember the “2 hours out of class for each hour in class” rule.
  • Work to overcome procrastination in your academic work and your life. If procrastination is a serious problem, seek help from your campus counseling center.
  • Get organized by using a planner. Choose either an electronic format or a paper calendar. Your campus bookstore will have a campus-specific version.
  • Devise a weekly timetable of activities, and then stick to it. Be sure to include special events or responsibilities in addition to recurring activities such as classes, athletic practice, or work hours.
  • Create and use day-by-day paper or electronic to-do lists. Crossing off those tasks you have completed will give you a real sense of satisfaction.
  • Identify the things that distract you, and work on reducing those distractions. Distractions can include people who want your time and attention, loud music, or the chirp of your cell phone letting you know that you have a text message.
  • Practice punctuality so you don’t miss important activities and unintentionally offend others who are expecting you to be on time. When you are unavoidably late, apologize to others who were expecting you to be on time.