EXERCISE 2.1 What You DON’T DO Matters


For each item, indicate the column that most applies to you.

No. Statement Strongly Agree Mildly Agree Mildly Disagree Strongly Disagree
1. I usually find reasons for not beginning a difficult assignment immediately.
2. I know what I am supposed to be doing, but frequently I get distracted and do other things instead.
3. I carry my books/work assignments with me to various places but do not open them.
4. I work best at the last minute when the pressure is really on.
5. There are too many interruptions that interfere with my accomplishing my top priorities.
6. I avoid straightforward, honest answers when pressed for an unpleasant decision.
7. I frequently use stall tactics to avoid taking unpleasant or difficult actions.
8. I have been too tired, nervous, or upset to do a difficult task that faces me.
9. I like to get my room in good order before starting a difficult task.
10. I find myself waiting for inspiration before becoming involved in most important study/work tasks.
WEIGHT × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1

Multiply the TOTAL RESPONSES row by the corresponding WEIGHT to get the SCORE for each column. Add up the SCORE row to determine your total score. That number is your Procrastination Quotient. (This rating system is by H. E. Florey of the University of Alabama Counseling Center.)

Procrastination Quotient, below 20: Occasional Procrastinator

Procrastination Quotient, 21—30: Chronic Procrastinator

Procrastination Quotient, above 30: Severe Procrastinator

Finally: Can you think of the number of times you may have been late (one of the symptoms of procrastination) this week alone? Think back.

Situation Number of Times This Week
Were you late to any classes? How many? ____________
Were you late for any appointments/dates? ____________
Were you late for work, a carpool, or another job and/or responsibility? ____________
Were you late returning an e-mail, phone call, or text such that a problem resulted from this lateness? ____________
Were you late paying a bill or mailing any important document? ____________
Were you late getting to bed or waking up? ____________
TOTAL _____

Did the total number of times you were late surprise you? Two to five incidences of being late in a week is fairly normal. Everyone is late sometimes. Being late more than eight times this week might indicate that you are avoiding situations and tasks that are unpleasant for you. Or maybe you find it difficult to wait for other people, and so you would rather have others wait for you. Try and think of lateness from the other person’s perspective. Getting more organized might help if you find that you don’t have enough hours in the day to get everything done in the way you think it should be done. Position yourself for success and develop the reputation for being dependable!