Information Literacy


Work Together

Brainstorm with a group of classmates about the components of “information literacy” and make a list. How many separate components did your group identify? The chapter asserts that information literacy is the premier survival skill for the modern world. Does your group agree? Why or why not? Share your group’s ideas with others in the class.

What is information literacy? Simply put, it’s the ability to find, interpret, and use information to meet your needs. Information literacy has many facets, among them the following:


Information matters. It helps empower people to make good choices. The choices people make often determine their success in business, their happiness as friends and family members, and their well-being as citizens on this planet.

Is This You?

Does the thought of writing papers cause you to panic? Do you have no idea where to even start on a research project? Has it been years since you were in a library? Do you still think that librarians are women who spend their days checking out dusty books while wearing cardigans and sensible shoes? It’s time for a little reality check and a lot of strategies to help you improve your research and writing. Whether you’re a novice or a pro, calm and collected or prone to panic, this chapter will help you tackle any research project.

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