Understanding Academic Freedom


Colleges and universities have promoted the advancement of knowledge by granting professors academic freedom, the virtually unlimited freedom of speech and inquiry as long as human lives, rights, and privacy are not violated. Such freedom is not usually possible in other professions.

academic freedom The virtually unlimited freedom of speech and inquiry granted to professors to further the advancement of knowledge as long as human lives, rights, and privacy are not violated.

Most college instructors believe in the freedom to speak out, whether in a classroom discussion about economic policy or at a political rally. Think of where education would be if instructors were required to keep their own ideas to themselves. You won’t always agree with your instructors, but you will benefit by listening to what they have to say and respecting their ideas and opinions.

Academic freedom also extends to students. Within the limits of civility and respect for others you will be free to express your opinions in a way that might be different from your experience in high school or work settings.

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