When Things Go Wrong Between You and an Instructor

Although there is a potential in any environment for things to go wrong, problems between students and instructors that cannot be resolved are rare. First, ask for a meeting to discuss your problem. See whether the two of you can work things out. If the instructor refuses, go up the administrative ladder, starting at the bottom: department head to dean, and so on. If the problem is a grade, keep in mind that academic freedom includes the right of an instructor to grade you as he or she sees fit and that no one can force the instructor to change that grade. Above all, don’t let a bad experience sour you on college. Even the most trying instructor will be out of your life by the end of the term. When all else fails, resolve to stick with the class until the final exam is behind you. Then shop carefully for instructors for next term by asking fellow students, your academic adviser, and others whose advice you can trust.

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