Student-Run Organizations

Student-run organizations can provide multiple avenues to express ideas, pursue interests, and cultivate relationships. According to our definition of culture, all student-run organizations provide an outlet for the promotion and celebration of a culture. Let’s take, for instance, a Muslim Student Union and an Animation Club and apply the components of culture to them. Both groups promote a belief system that is common among their members: The first is based on religious beliefs, and the second is based on animation as an art form. Both have aspects that can be taught: the teachings of the Muslim faith and the rules and techniques used in drawing. Both groups use a specific language related to the group’s belief system. Most campus organizations bring like-minded students together and are open to anyone who wants to become involved.

To promote learning and discovery not only inside the classroom but outside as well, colleges and universities provide programming that highlights ethnic and cultural celebrations, such as Chinese New Year and Kwanzaa; gender-related activities, such as Take Back the Night; and a broad range of entertainment, including concerts and art exhibits. These events expose you to new and exciting ideas and viewpoints, enhancing your education and challenging your current views.

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