You need to build your résumé, explore career options, and broaden your horizons (and maybe save the world).
Roll up your sleeves and volunteer in an area that interests you.
Volunteering is about doing something you care about and gaining experience, but it’s also about opening your mind. Here are a few of the pluses:
You’ll get to go to interesting places and do important work. Opportunities to volunteer can involve traveling and experiences that you’ve never had.
You’ll learn to appreciate diversity. If you’re like many college students, you may have led a relatively sheltered life. Volunteer work tests you in new ways and in new situations. It puts you in touch with lots of different people from different backgrounds. It also helps you connect with your community and the rest of the world on a deeper level.
Some volunteer positions let you travel internationally. Volunteer abroad and you’ll probably get to polish your foreign language skills.
You’ll gain valuable experience that could help you in your career. Volunteering adds depth to your résumé. Even if you volunteer close to home, you’ll learn new skills and might discover talents that you didn’t know you had. You might even make some useful networking contacts.
Volunteering will help you become a happier, more fascinating, and less self-absorbed person. Studies show that helping others actually lowers your stress levels.
Need more motivation? Employers say that applicants who do volunteer work stand out from the pack. Being socially responsible tells the world that you’re ambitious and a good team player.
You can find rewarding volunteer opportunities in almost every field you can imagine: animal welfare, agriculture, the arts, education, the environment, fair trade, health care, human rights, politics, technology, you name it. Here is a list of national and international volunteer organizations to get you on your way:
Amigos de las Americas | amigoslink.org |
AmeriCorps | americorps.gov |
Directory on International Voluntary Service | avso.org |
Child Family Health International | cfhi.org |
Cross-Cultural Solutions | crossculturalsolutions.org |
Corporation for National and Community Service | cncs.gov |
Earthwatch Worldwide | earthwatch.org |
Foundation for Sustainable Development | fsdinternational.org |
Idealist.org: Action Without Borders | idealist.org |
International Partnership for Service Learning | ipsl.org |
International Volunteer Programs Association (IVPA) | volunteerinternational.org |
Peace Corps | peacecorps.gov |
Projects Abroad | projects-abroad.org |
South American Explorers Volunteer Opportunities | saexplorers.org |
Teach for America | teachforamerica.org |
Volunteer Match | volunteermatch.com |
Volunteers for Peace | vfp.org |
What types of volunteer activities interest you most?