Learning and Physical Abilities

Although the majority of students have reasonably average learning and physical abilities, the number of students with physical and learning disabilities is rising on most college campuses, as are the services that are available to them. Physical disabilities can include deafness, blindness, paralysis, or a mental disorder. Also, many students have some form of learning disability (see Chapter 4) that makes college work a challenge.

People with physical and learning disabilities want to be treated just as you would treat anyone else: with respect. If a student with a disability is in your class, treat him or her as you would any student. Overzealousness to help might be seen as an expression of pity.

If you have, or think you might have, a learning disability, consult your campus learning center for a diagnosis and advice on compensating for learning problems. Most campuses have a special office to serve students with both physical and learning disabilities.

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