
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that students ages fifteen to twenty-four are more likely than any other age group to attempt suicide. Most people who commit suicide give a warning of their intentions. The following are common indicators of someone’s intent to commit suicide:



Google the words college students suicide. As you read through the articles that you discover, write down the common themes that seem to cause student suicide. Bring your notes to class and share with other students in a small group. Discuss why college students are at especially high risk for depression and suicide and whether you think that colleges and universities can do anything to decrease this risk.


If you or someone you know threatens suicide or displays any of these signs, it’s time to consult a mental health professional. Most campuses have counseling centers that offer one-on-one sessions as well as support groups for their students. Finally, remember that there is no shame attached to high levels of stress, depression, anxiety, or suicidal tendencies. Unavoidable life events or physiological imbalances can cause such feelings and behaviors. Proper counseling, medical attention, and in some cases prescription medication can help students cope with mental health issues.

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