Building Your Portfolio




Are You “Technostressed”? Ever-changing, ever-improving technology is a wonderful part of our modern world, but it can also be an additional stressor in our everyday lives. It seems that the list of hot, new gadgets grows longer every day. How does being constantly accessible, being a multitasking marvel, having constant reminders of what you haven’t done yet, and sorting an overload of information affect your stress level? Do you occasionally find yourself overwhelmed or even a bit lonely when you are face to face with your computer instead of your friends, families, or coworkers? The hurried, plugged-in life can be exhausting and nerve-racking, especially if you get an incomprehensible error message on your computer screen the night before a big paper is due!

How are you “plugged in”? Create a Word document in your portfolio.

  1. Describe all the ways in which your life is affected by technology. How are your health and well-being affected, both positively and negatively, by the things you list? Tip: Think of how you use technology for entertainment and for class or work.

    Sometimes it seems as if all the technology that is supposed to make our lives easier actually adds to the balancing act. Here are a few tips for reducing your stress level and avoiding a “technology takeover”:

    • Schedule some downtime offline for yourself.
    • Don’t become a text message junkie.
    • Don’t try to multitask 24/7! Take advantage of time to exercise, eat, or just take a break without the demands of e-mail and cell phones.
    • Recognize the warning signs of Internet addiction, such as using the Internet to escape from problems or responsibilities; missing class, work, or appointments to spend time online; and always allowing the Internet to substitute for face-to-face interaction with others.
  2. Save your reflections in your portfolio or in the Cloud. The next time you’re feeling stressed out, revisit this activity and evaluate the role that technology is playing in your life.
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