Counseling Center Locate your college or university’s counseling center. Professionals here will offer individual and group assistance and lots of information. Remember that their support is confidential and that you will not be judged.
Health Center or Infirmary Pay a visit to your campus health center or infirmary. On most campuses the professionals who staff the health center are especially interested in educational outreach and practicing prevention. You should be able to receive treatment as well.
Campus Support Groups Many campuses provide student support groups led by professionals for students dealing with problems related to excessive alcohol and drug use, abusive sexual relationships, and other issues. Your campus counseling center can help you identify support groups at your college or in your community.
Advice about College Student Health Issues: The Web site Go Ask Alice, sponsored by Columbia University, has answers to many health questions.
Advice from the American Dietetic Association: This Web site provides information on healthy eating and nutrition.
How tobacco affects your health: Learn more about the health effects of tobacco at the American Cancer Society’s Web site.
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information: This organization provides up-to-date information about the effects of alcohol and drug use.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: This Web site is an excellent resource for all the topics in this chapter.
If you have questions about suicide prevention, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK or visit their Web site: