Build a Résumé


A well-crafted résumé is an excellent and necessary way of marketing yourself. Before you finish college, you’ll need a résumé, whether it’s for a part-time job, for an internship or co-op position, or to show to an instructor who agrees to write you a letter of recommendation. Typically, there are two types of résumés. One is written in chronological format, and the other is organized by skills. If you have related job experience, choose the chronological résumé; if you can group skills from a number of jobs or projects under several meaningful categories, choose the skills résumé. Your career center can help you choose the format that is right for you given your experience and future goals. The average time an employer spends screening résumés for first round pick is 7 to 10 seconds. As a new professional, a one-page résumé is usually appropriate. If you have a number of outstanding things to say that won’t fit on a single page, add a second page, but consult with your career center for guidance on this point.

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