The process of making a career choice begins with creating a career plan. A good career plan includes the following:
Discuss with your classmates what kind of “marketing strategy” you could develop to sell yourself to a potential employer. Which of your characteristics or aptitudes would you emphasize? What do your peers plan to do to sell themselves?
Table 15.2 provides a guide to what you should be doing during each year of college. You might proceed through these steps at a different pace than your friends will, and that’s OK. If you are a two-year student, focus on parts A, B, and E. What you want is to develop your qualifications, make good choices, and take advantage of opportunities both on and off campus to learn more about your career preferences. Keep your goals in mind as you select courses and seek employment, but also keep an eye out for unique opportunities. More than 50 percent of college students change their majors at least once; your route might change as you grow.
Get a job. Even a part-time job will develop your skills and might help you make decisions about what you like—and what you don’t like—in a work environment. In any job you learn vital skills such as teamwork, communication, interpersonal, computer, and time-management, which are all attributes sought after by employers! |
Register with your college’s online job listing system to find listings for part-time and full-time positions, internships, co-ops, and seasonal employment. |
Network with family, friends, instructors, friends of family, and acquaintances to find contacts in your fields of interest so that you can learn more about those areas. |
Volunteer! It can help you explore careers and get some experience in an area that interests you as you help others. |
Conduct occupational and industry research for your field or area of geographic interest. Look for other options within and beyond those fields. |
Explore career options through informational interviews (interviewing to find out about a career) and job shadowing (observing someone at work with his or her permission). |
Explore study possibilities in other countries to gain a global perspective and learn a foreign language. |
Take as many self-assessments as possible, such as the Holland Self-Directed Search or a similar interest inventory at your career center. |
Talk to a career counselor about your skills, aptitudes, and interests. Find out what the career center offers. |
Research the relationship between various majors and career possibilities. Discuss the relationship between academic work and your career development with your academic or career adviser. |
Take a variety of classes to get exposure to various knowledge areas. |
Attend your campus’s annual career fair to see what is being offered. |
Prepare a draft of your résumé and have it critiqued by a career counselor. |
Get involved in clubs and organizations. |
Attend career fairs to learn more about employers who hire graduates in your major. |
Spend some time talking with your college adviser or career counselor to discuss your career plans. |
Find on-campus interviewing opportunities for internships in your early years and for full-time employment after graduation. |
Revise and expand your résumé and have it critiqued by a career counselor and also by a professional in your chosen field. |
Get involved in clubs and organizations; work toward leadership positions. |
If your college offers it, participate in mentor programs hosted by alumni (past graduates of your college or university). |
Spend the summer completing high-impact experiential learning, such as an internship, a co-op job, faculty-directed research, or study abroad. |
Take an advanced computerized career assessment to discover further career options and refine your career plans. Continue to visit your career center each term. |
Take on a leadership role in a club or organization. |
Participate in mock interview activities to improve your interviewing skills. |
Attend workshops to learn more about advanced résumé writing, looking for an internship, interviewing, and other job search skills. |
Explore the option of graduate school. |
Attend career fairs to network with employers and set up interviewing opportunities. |
Research postgraduate national fellowships and scholarship programs. |
Join a professional organization representing your chosen industry or area of study. |
Develop a top ten list of employers of interest. |
Spend the summer completing high-impact experiential learning, such as an internship, a co-op job, faculty-directed research, or study abroad. |
Update your professional documents and upload them to the campus recruiting database. |
Gather information on realistic salary expectations associated with your industry. |
Check on-campus interviewing opportunities frequently, beginning in the fall term. Interview with organizations recruiting for your major. |
Conduct research on organizations of interest to you, interview with those coming to campus, and contact human resources professionals who represent organizations that won’t be on campus. Find out if you can interview. |
If applicable, take graduate school entrance exams and complete graduate school applications. |
Attend career fairs to network with employers and set up interviewing opportunities. |
If you’re thinking about graduate school, request applications early in the fall and send them out throughout the fall term. |
Target your geographic areas of interest by contacting local chambers of commerce and using local newspapers, phone books, and Internet resources. |
Conduct a social media audit of your own on-line presence. |
Take advantage of every chance to network. |
Career Passport: Table 15.2. Michigan State University Technologies. Copyright © Board of Trustees of Michigan State University, developed by MSU Career Services. Reprinted with permission of Michigan State University Board of Trustees.
Think about It
Have you explored your institution’s career center? If so, did your visit allow you to think about the relationship between your academic work and your career planning? What other helpful benefits arose as a result of your visit? If not, when in your college experience do you think that going to the career center will be most important? Why?
Information and knowledge are powerful decision-making tools. Throughout this text, you’ve obtained knowledge about yourself and gathered information on how to be a successful college student. The same holds true for amassing information about the various industries related to your course of study. The more knowledge you have, the better your chances of making a sound career decision. Part of the knowledge discovery related to career choice is industry research, but how does one get this knowledge?
It’s best to do your industry research in layers. The first layer consists of identifying industries of interest. Say that you’ve chosen sociology as a major. Sociologists study human social lives, activities, interactions, processes, and organizations within the context of larger social, political, and economic forces. Because sociologists examine how social influences affect different individuals and groups and the ways organizations and institutions affect people’s lives, it is not surprising that a recent U.S. Bureau of Labor’s Occupational Outlook Handbook search yielded education, health care, government, and many private-sector industries as the top employers of sociologists.
Go to to begin your industry research. Search for occupations related to your major. Discuss in class what you found.
Now continue your research to the second layer: your role within industry. The government employs sociologists, for instance, to design or conduct surveys and analyze survey data. Many organizations use surveys to collect factual data, such as employment and salary information, or to ask questions that help them understand people’s opinions, attitudes, beliefs, or desires. Sociologists can do this work for them.
informational interview A meeting used to gather information on a field or company and expand one’s professional network.
The third layer of your research is to identify companies or organizations of interest within an industry. For example, the federal government alone has approximately 575 departments and agencies! Because you have so many choices, this part of your research depends a lot on your own expectations and wants. Do research on each company of interest individually. Find out whether working with that company will satisfy your career objectives. How well does it pay compared with other companies in the same industry? What is the work culture like? Do these companies have really long hours and frequent travel? These points may seem minor now, but they have a huge effect on your life once you’re an employee. You can also find answers to these questions by talking to people who are already working within the company through an informational interview.
Finding out all you can about organizations that you think you want to work for early on can help you make a career decision based on fit! The Tech Tip walks you through the process.
As you start examining your aspirations and interests, keep in mind these simple dos and don’ts.