Checklist for Success



  • Keep up with your weekly schedule and do your work on time. Get a paper calendar or an electronic one and use it consistently to keep track of assignments and appointments.
  • Be on time for class. If you are frequently late, you give your instructors and fellow students the unspoken message that you don’t think the class is important.
  • If you are a full-time student, limit the hours you work. If you must work, look for a job on campus. Students who work a reasonable number of hours per week (about fifteen) and especially those who work on campus are more likely to do well in college than students who work more hours or off campus.
  • Improve your study habits. Find the most effective methods for reading textbooks, listening, taking notes, studying, and using information resources.
  • Use the academic skills center, library, and campus career center. These essential services can help you be a better student and plan for your future.
  • Learn to think critically. If you don’t carefully examine and evaluate what you see, read, and hear, you’re not really learning.
  • Strive to improve your writing and speaking. The more you write and speak in public, the easier these skills will become now and in the future.
  • Speak up in class. Research indicates that you will usually remember more about what goes on in class when you get involved.
  • Learn from criticism. Criticism can be helpful to your learning. If you get a low grade, meet with your instructor to discuss how you can improve.
  • Study with a group. Research shows that students who study in groups often earn the highest grades and have the fewest academic problems.
  • Become engaged in campus activities. Visit the student activities office, join a club or organization that interests you, or participate in community service.
  • Meet with your instructors outside the class. Instructors generally have office hours; successful students use them.
  • Find a competent and caring academic adviser or counselor. If your personality and that of your adviser clash, ask the department office to find another adviser for you.
  • Take your health seriously. How much you sleep, what you eat, whether you exercise, and how well you deal with stress will affect your college success.
  • Set both short-term and long-term goals. You will be far more likely to succeed in college if your goals for today, tomorrow, and four years from now are clear.
  • Have realistic expectations. If you are disappointed in your grades, remember that college is a new experience and that your grades will probably improve if you continue to apply yourself.
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