Why College Is Important to Our Society



Using Google or another search engine, look up “American dream” images. What images appear? What does each of them mean to you? Be prepared to share your reflections in class.


American society values higher education, which explains why the United States has so many colleges and universities, currently more than 4,400. College is the primary way in which people achieve upward social mobility or the ability to attain a higher standard of living. In earlier centuries a high standard of “living was almost always a function of family background. Either you were born into power and money or you spent your life working for others who had power and money. In most countries today, however, receiving a college degree helps level the playing field for everyone. A college degree can minimize or eliminate differences due to background, race, ethnicity, family income level, national origin, immigration status, family lineage, and personal connections. Simply put, college participation is about ensuring that more people have the opportunity to be evaluated on the basis of merit rather than family status, money, or other forms of privilege. It makes achieving the American dream possible.

College is also important because it is society’s primary means of preparing citizens for leadership roles. Without a college degree, a person will find it difficult to be a leader in a community, a company, a profession, or the military.

Another purpose of a four-year college degree is to prepare students for continuing their education in a graduate or professional school. If you want to become a medical doctor, dentist, lawyer, or college professor, a four-year college degree is just the beginning.

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