Now that you have created a term preview, the weekly timetable model in Figure 2.4 can help you tentatively plan how to spend your hours in a typical week. Here are some tips for creating a weekly schedule:
biorhythms The internal mechanisms that drive our daily patterns of physical, emotional, and mental activity.
Think about It
Make a list of the best and worst times for you to study. Why do you think you are more able to concentrate or be creative at certain times of the day or night?
Keep track of how much time it takes you to complete different kinds of tasks. For example, depending on your skills and interests, it might take longer to read a chapter in a biology text than to read one in a literature text. Keeping track of your time will help you estimate how much time to allocate for similar tasks in the future. How long does it really take you to solve a set of twenty math problems or write up a chemistry lab? Use your weekly timetable to track how you actually spend your time for an entire week.