Handling Stress

Suppose you know that you don’t handle stress well. When things get tough—too many things are due at once, your roommate leaves clothes and leftover food all over the place, and your significant other seems a bit distant—you begin to fall apart. You can use the following model as a way to handle stress.


EI competency: Stress tolerance

Specific goal: To get control of the things that are causing stress this week

Plan: Identify each stressor and select a strategy for addressing it


Write and Reflect

Using this example as a model, select an EI competency that you would like to improve, choose a specific goal, and formulate a plan for accomplishing it. What kinds of results do you hope to achieve? How will improving your EI in this area help you become a happier, more confident person? Reflect on these questions in a journal entry.

Success indicator: You are feeling less stressed, and you have accomplished many of the things on your list. You are working out three times a week. Your significant other seems just fine, and your place is still a mess but it’s not bothering you. You leave your room and decide to study in the library.

It’s important not to try to improve everything at once. Instead, identify specific EI competencies that you can define, describe, and then set measurable goals for change. Don’t expect success overnight. Remember that it took you a while to develop your specific approach to life, and it will take commitment and practice to change it.

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