Building Your Portfolio




Know Thyself Understanding your own behavior can sometimes be more difficult than understanding someone else’s. Review the Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire. Were you honest in your assessment of yourself?

  1. In a Word document, list the questions from the Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire that you answered with a b or a c. For example, did you rate yourself with a b or a c on a question about last-minute changes?
  2. Next, note the EI competencies that relate to each question. For the example about last-minute changes, the key competency is adaptability, as evidenced in reality testing, flexibility, and problem solving.
  3. For each question that you have listed, describe your strategy for improving your response to certain situations. For example, when things change suddenly, you might say, “I am going to take a few minutes to think about what I need to do next. I will remind myself that I am still in control of my actions.”
  4. Save your responses in your portfolio or in the Cloud. Revisit your responses to the questions listed above as you experience similar situations.

Pay special attention to how your emotional intelligence affects your daily life. As you become more aware of your emotions and actions, you will begin to see how you can improve in the areas that are most difficult for you.

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