Use Vark Results to Study More Effectively

How can knowing your VARK score help you do better in your college classes? The following table offers suggestions for using learning styles to develop your own study strategies. Consider also how online course management systems (see Tech Tip) provide opportunities for different types of learners to connect with the material they are studying.

Study Strategies by Learning Style

Visual Aural Read/Write Kinesthetic
Underline or highlight your notes. Talk with others to verify the accuracy of your lecture notes. Write and rewrite your notes. Use all your senses in learning: sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing.
Use symbols, charts, or graphs to display your notes. Put your notes on tape and listen or tape class lectures. Read your notes silently. Supplement your notes with real-world examples.
Use different arrangements of words on the page. Read your notes out loud; ask yourself questions and speak your answers. Organize diagrams or flowcharts into statements. Move and gesture while you are reading or speaking your notes.
Redraw your pages from memory. Write imaginary exam questions and respond in writing.
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