Make studying a part of your daily routine. Don’t allow days to go by when you don’t crack a book or keep up with course assignments.
Manage your study time wisely. Create a schedule that will allow you to prepare for exams and complete course assignments on time. Be aware of “crunch times” when you might have several exams or papers due at once. Create some flexibility in your schedule to allow for unexpected distractions.
Collaborate with others. One of the most effective ways to study is in a group with other students.
Be confident that you can improve your memory. Remind yourself occasionally of things you have learned in the past that you didn’t think you could or would remember.
Choose the memory improvement strategies that best fit your preferred learning style(s): aural, visual, reading, or kinesthetic. Identify the courses where you can make the best use of each memory strategy.
Go beyond simply trying to memorize words and focus on trying to understand and then remember the big concepts and ideas. Keep asking yourself: What is the main point here? Is there a big idea? Am I getting it?
Be alert for external distractions. Choose a place to study where you can concentrate and allow yourself uninterrupted time to focus on the material you are studying.
Get a tutor. Tutoring is not just for students who are failing. Often the best students seek assistance to ensure that they fully understand course material. Most tutors are students, and most campus tutoring services are free.