Getting the Test Back


Students react differently when they receive their test grades and papers. For some students the thought of seeing the actual graded test produces high levels of anxiety. Unless you look at the instructor’s comments and your answers (the correct and incorrect ones), however, you will have no way to evaluate your own knowledge and test-taking strengths. You might also find that the instructor made an error in the grade that might have cost you a point or two, in which case you should let the instructor know.

Review your graded test because doing so will help you do better next time. You might find that your mistakes were caused by failing to follow directions, being careless with words or numbers, or overanalyzing a multiple-choice question. If you have any questions about your grade, be sure to talk to the instructor. Going over your grade is an excellent reason to visit your instructor during his or her office hours. You might successfully negotiate a few points in your favor, and in any case, your concern will reflect that you want to succeed.

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