Checklist for Success



  • Learn as much as you can about the type of test you will be taking. You will study differently for an essay exam than you will for a multiple-choice test.
  • Start preparing for test taking the very first day of the course. Classes early in the term are the most important ones not to miss.
  • Prepare yourself physically through proper sleep, diet, and exercise. These behaviors are as important as studying the actual material. You may not control what is on the exams, but you can control your physical readiness to do your best.
  • Prepare yourself emotionally by being relaxed and confident. Confidence comes from the knowledge that you have prepared well and know the material.
  • If you experience severe test anxiety, seek help from your counseling center. Professionals can help you deal with this problem.
  • Develop a systematic plan of preparation for every test. Be specific about when you are going to study, how long, and what material you will cover.
  • Join a study group and participate conscientiously and regularly. Students who join study groups perform better on tests. It’s a habit you should practice.
  • Never cheat or plagiarize. Experience the satisfaction that comes from learning and doing your own work and from knowing that you don’t have to worry about getting caught or using material that may be incorrect.
  • Make sure that you understand what constitutes cheating and plagiarism on your campus so that you don’t inadvertently do either. If you are not clear about policies, ask your instructors or the professionals in your campus learning center or writing center.
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