Building Your Portfolio




A High Price to Pay Academic integrity is a supreme value on college and university campuses. Faculty members, staff, and students are held to a strict code of academic integrity, and the consequences of breaking that code can be severe and life-changing. Create a Word document to record your responses to the following activity.

  1. Imagine that your college or university has hired you to conduct a month-long academic integrity awareness campaign so that students will learn about and take seriously your campus’s guidelines for academic integrity. To prepare for your “new job”:
    1. Visit your institution’s Web site and use the search feature to find the academic integrity code or policy. Take the time to read through the code, violations, and sanctions.
    2. Visit the judicial affairs office on your campus to learn more about the way your institution deals with violations of academic integrity policies.
    3. Research online resources from other campuses, such as information from the Center for Academic Integrity hosted by Clemson University (
    4. Check out several other college and university academic integrity policies or honor codes. How do they compare with your institution’s code or policy?
  2. Outline your month-long awareness campaign. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
    • Plan a new theme every week. Don’t forget Internet-related violations.
    • Develop eye-catching posters to display around campus. (Check out the posters designed by students at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania found at
    • Consider guest speakers, debates, skits, or other presentations.
    • Come up with catchy slogans or phrases.
    • Send students a postcard highlighting your institution’s policies or honor code.
    • Consider the most effective ways to communicate your message to different groups on campus.
  3. Save your work in your portfolio or in the Cloud.
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