Prepare Physically

Remembering these important strategies will help you prepare physically for your tests or exams.


Maintain Your Regular Sleep Routine. To do well on exams, you will need to be alert so that you can think clearly. You are more likely to be alert when you are well rested. Last-minute, late-night cramming that robs you of sufficient sleep isn’t an effective study strategy.

Follow Your Regular Exercise Program. Another way to prepare physically for exams is by walking, jogging, or engaging in other kinds of physical activity. Exercise is a positive way to relieve stress and give yourself a needed break from long hours of studying.

Eat Right. Eat a light breakfast before a morning exam and avoid greasy or acidic foods that might upset your stomach. Limit the amount of caffeinated beverages you drink on exam day because caffeine can make you jittery. Choose fruits, vegetables, and other foods that are high in energy-rich complex carbohydrates. Avoid eating sweets before an exam. The immediate energy boost they create can be quickly followed by a loss of energy and alertness. Ask the instructor whether you may bring a bottle of water with you to the exam.

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