Student Resources
- Book companion site for Your College Experience: The College Success companion site offers a number of tools to use in class including the following:
- Student Life videos illustrate important concepts, skills, and situations that students will need to understand and master to become successful at college. Each video ends with questions to encourage further contemplation and discussion.
- Self-Tests help students master concepts.
- Downloadable podcasts offer quick advice on note taking, money management, succeeding on tests, and many more topics
- “Where to Go for Help” library of links directs students to further online resources for support and much more. From the companion Web site, you can also access instructor materials whenever you need them.
- VideoCentral: College Success is a premiere collection of videos for the college success classroom. The site features the 30-minute documentary French Fries Are Not Vegetables and Other College Lessons: A Documentary of the First Year of College, which follows five students through the life-changing transition of the first year of college. Learn more at VideoCentral also includes access to the following:
- 16 brief Conversation Starters that combine student and instructor interviews on the most important topics taught in first-year seminar courses.
- 16 accompanying video glossary definitions with questions that bring these topics to life.
- Bedford e-Book to Go for Your College Experience, Eleventh Edition. For roughly half the cost of a print book, Bedford e-Book to Go offers an affordable alternative for students. To download this version visit
- Additional e-Book formats. You can also find PDF versions of our books when you shop online at our publishing partners’ sites: CourseSmart, Barnes & Noble NookStudy; Kno; CafeScribe; or Chegg. To learn more, visit
- The Bedford/St. Martin’s Planner includes everything that students need to plan and use their time effectively, with advice on preparing schedules and to-do lists, along with blank schedules and calendars (monthly and weekly) for planning. Integrated into the planner are tips and advice on fixing common grammar errors, taking notes, and succeeding on tests; an address book; and an annotated list of useful Web sites. The planner fits easily into a backpack or purse, so students can take it anywhere. To order The Bedford/St. Martin’s Planner packaged free with the text, use ISBN 978-1-4576-7921-6. To order the planner standalone, use ISBN 978-0-312-57447-5.
- Bedford/St. Martin’s Insider’s Guides. These concise and student-friendly booklets on topics that are critical to college success are a perfect complement to your textbook and course. One Insider Guide can be packaged with any Bedford/St. Martin’s textbook at no additional cost. Additional Insider Guides can also be packaged for additional cost. Topics include:
- New! Insider’s Guide for Returning Veterans
- Insider’s Guide to Academic Planning
- Insider’s Guide to Beating Test Anxiety
- Insider’s Guide to Building Confidence
- Insider’s Guide to Career Services
- Insider’s Guide to College Ethics and Personal Responsibility
- Insider’s Guide to College Etiquette
- Insider’s Guide to Community College
- Insider’s Guide to Credit Cards, 2e
- Insider’s Guide to Getting Involved on Campus
- Insider’s Guide to Global Citizenship
- Insider’s Guide to Time Management, 2e
- Journal Writing: A Beginning. Designed to give students an opportunity to use writing as a way to explore their thoughts and feelings, this writing journal includes a generous supply of inspirational quotes placed throughout the pages, tips for journaling, and suggested journal topics. To order Journal Writing: A Beginning packaged free with the text, use ISBN 978-1-4576-7913-1. To order the journal standalone, use ISBN 978-0-312-59027-7.