
Special thanks to the reviewers of this edition, whose wisdom and suggestions guided the creation of the eleventh edition of the text:

Erin Barnett, Eastern Kentucky University

Andrea Berta, University of Texas at El Paso

Christie Cruse-Cohen, Rockland Community College

Linda Frank, Harper College

Lauren Kelley, Owens Community College

Roarke O’Leary, Long Beach City College

Rachael Orr, University of Missouri

Jennifer Palcich, University of North Texas

Kelda Quintana, Humboldt State University

Mark Lanting, Kankakee Community College

Molly Burke Leon, Indiana University at Bloomington

General McArthur, Moraine Valley Community College

Carolyn Sanders, University of Alabama in Huntsville

Deb Vetter, Asbury University

Sara Weertz, Angelo State University.


We also thank those who reviewed the Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank so thoroughly: Margaret Garroway, Howard Community College; Greta Henglein, Martin Methodist College; Patti Richter, Northwestern State University of Louisiana; Mary Kay Skrabalak, University of Alabama; Brenda Tuberville, Rogers State University.

We would also like to continue to thank our reviewers from the eighth, ninth, and tenth editions, as they helped to shape the text you see today.

Tenth Edition: Laurie Adamson, Olympic College; Jim Archer, South Plains College; Jennifer L. Guerriero, Valencia Community College; Kevin Johnson, Middle Georgia College; Joseph Kaye, Edison State College; Elizabeth Kennedy, Florida Atlantic University; Kimberly Koledoye, Houston Community College; Joseph Kornoski, Montgomery County Community College; Audra Leverton, Hinds Community College; Rhonda Lee Meadows, West Virginia University; Pamela Moss, Midwestern State University; Marissa Santos, Navarro College; Ysabel M. Sarte, Texas A&M University; Melanie Steeves, Dean College; Susannah Waldrop, University of South Carolina Upstate; and Shoshana Zeisman, Portland State University.

Ninth Edition: Josie Adamo, Buffalo State College; Leigh A. Adams, Missouri State University–West Plains; Andrés Armijo, University of New Mexico; Camille J. Belolan, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania; Richard Conway, Nassau Community College; Matthew Gainous, Ogeechee Technical College; Wendy Grace, Holmes Community College; Janis M. Hausmann, Mount Marty College; Darby Johnsen, Oklahoma City Community College; Tamara Kuzmenkov, Tacoma Community College; Wendy McNeeley, Howard Payne University; Gail Malone Platt, South Plains College; Amy Reese, Baton Rouge Community College; Cristina C. Rodriguez, Los Angeles Pierce College; Rebecca Rogge, Louisiana State University; Janice Waltz, Harrisburg Area Community College; Jodi E. Webb, Bowling Green State University.

Eighth Edition: Eunie Alsaker, Winona State University; Marianne Auten, Paradise Valley Community College; Joanne Baird Giordano, University of Wisconsin–Marathon County; Julia Brown, Northern Virginia Community College; Kara Craig, University of Southern Mississippi; Anne Dawson, Eastern Connecticut State University; Rosie DuBose, Century College; Melissa Gomez, Austin Peay State University; Laurene M. Grimes, Lorain County Community College; Kathleen Hangac, State University of New York at Oswego; Elizabeth H. Hicks, Central Connecticut State University; Claudette Jackson, Baylor University; Rebecca Jordan, University of Kentucky; Elizabeth Kennedy, Florida Atlantic University; Mary P. Lovelidge, Blinn College; Karen Mitchell, Northern Essex Community College; Kate Pandolpho, Ocean County College; Margaret Puckett, North Central State College; Christel Taylor, University of Wisconsin–Waukesha; Janice Waltz, Harrisburg Area Community College; Jodi E. Webb, Bowling Green State University; Nicole Weir, Montclair State University; Erika Wimby May, Dillard University; Michael B. Wood, Missouri State University; Janice E. Woods, Mohave Community College.


As we look to the future, we are excited about the numerous improvements to this text that our creative Bedford/St. Martin’s team has made and will continue to make. Special thanks to Denise Wydra, President of Bedford/St. Martin’s; Karen Henry, Editor in Chief; Edwin Hill, Publisher for College Success and Developmental Studies; Jennifer Jacobson, Development Editor of Onlinger Publishing Services; Bethany Gordon, Editorial Assistant; Christina Shea, Senior Marketing Manager; and Kerri Cardone, Production Editor.

Most of all, we thank you, the users of our book, for you are the true inspirations for our work.

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