Cutting Costs

Once you have put together a working budget, have tried it out, and have adjusted it, you’re likely to discover that your expenses still exceed your income. Don’t panic. Simply begin to look for ways to reduce those expenses. Here are some tips for saving money in college:

Go Vintage
Saving money doesn’t mean you have to deprive yourself. Shopping at thrift stores for your clothes or apartment furnishings is a fun, affordable way to get one-of-a-kind pieces that won’t break the bank.

Stay Motivated

Using Money-Saving Strategies

Are you a bargain shopper or a coupon-clipper? Do you get a good feeling when you know you’ve saved money on a purchase or a service? Be on the lookout for ways to trim your budget, and let your successes motivate you to cut your expenses even more. Share your strategies with other students in your college success class.

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