Working in College

Paid opportunities for getting experience are also beneficial because they can support the attainment of your college goals, provide you with the financial means to complete college, and help you structure your time so that you are a much better time manager. Overextending yourself, however, can potentially interfere with your college success, your ability to attend class, your homework, and your participation in many other valuable parts of college life, such as group study or academic preparation. Take some time to determine how involved you are able to be, and stay within reasonable limits. If you want or need to work, explore on-campus opportunities as soon as possible after you arrive at college.

Working while taking classes means enjoying benefits such as:

Your first decision will be whether to work on campus or off. If you choose to work on campus, look for opportunities early in the term. You might be pleasantly surprised at how varied on-campus opportunities are, such as tutoring in the writing or math center, being an attendant in the fitness center, or serving as a student ambassador for the admissions office or career center. One benefit of on-campus employment is that the work schedules are often flexible. Another benefit is that you might be able to connect with instructors and administrators you can later consult as mentors or professional references. Plus, your boss will understand that you occasionally need time off to study or take exams. Finally, students who work on campus are more likely to graduate from college than students who work off campus; keep this fact in mind as you think about mixing college and work.

Some on-campus jobs are reserved for work-study students. The federal work-study program is a form of government-sponsored financial aid that provides part-time employment to help with college expenses. Once you accept the work-study award on your financial aid notification, you will be sent information regarding the steps you should take for getting a job within the program. Keep in mind that your work-study award will be limited to a certain amount each term; once you reach your limit in earnings, you can no longer work until the next term begins. Generally, you will have to interview for a work-study position, whether on or off campus. Check with your college’s financial aid office or career center to get a list of available jobs and to get help preparing your application materials and getting ready for the interview.

As a college student, you may decide that you would rather work off campus. An off-campus job might pay better than an on-campus one, or be closer to your home, or be in an organization where you want to continue working after you finish college. The best place to start looking for off-campus jobs is your campus career center, which might have listings or Web sites featuring off-campus employment opportunities. Feel free to ask a career counselor for suggestions.

Whether you choose to work on or off campus, keep in mind that overextending yourself can interfere with your college success and your ability to attend class, do your homework, and participate in many other valuable parts of college life, such as group study. Students who work in paid jobs more than fifteen hours a week have a lower chance of success in college.

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