The Value of Your College Success Course

high-impact practice 1

Since you are reading this e-book, it is likely that you are enrolled in a first-year seminar, first-year experience, or “college success” course. In this book we use all three names. The course—possibly the most important course you will take—and this e-book—possibly the most important e-book you will read—are all about improving your chances for success in college and beyond. Before you start reading, though, you probably have some questions.

Research conducted by colleges and universities has found that first-year students are far more likely to be successful if they participate in courses and programs designed to teach them how to succeed in college. This course is designed to help you avoid some of the pitfalls—both academic and personal—that trip up many beginning students.

Although your classmates might not say it out loud, many of them share your concerns, doubts, and fears about being in college. This course will provide a supportive environment in which you can share your successes and your frustrations, get to know others who are beginning college, develop lasting relationships with your instructor and some other students, and begin to think about your plans for life after college.

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