Anger Management

Humans experience a wide range of emotions and moods. On one hand, we can be very generous and positive, and on the other hand, we can lash out in anger. Anger management is an EI skill that is important to develop. Anger can hurt others and can harm your mental and physical health. You may even know someone who uses their anger to manipulate and control others.

Upside of Anger
Since the 1960s, college students have used their anger about political, social, and campus-specific issues (like tuition increases) in positive ways through organized demonstrations. Such demonstrations have influenced major actions in U.S. history, such as President Richard Nixon’s decision to resign, and President Lyndon B. Johnson’s decision to end the Vietnam War. What issues would “bring students to the barricades” today?
AP Photo/Cathleen Allison

In spite of the problems it creates, anger does not always result in negative consequences. Psychologists see anger as a primary, natural, and mature emotion that has value for human survival because it can mobilize us to take corrective action or to stand up for what is right.

How do you use anger? Are you in control of how you express this emotion, or does your anger occasionally control you?