What to Do When You Fall Behind on Your Reading

From time to time, life might get in the way of doing your assigned readings on time. You may get sick or have to take care of a sick family member, you may have to work extra hours, or you may have a personal problem that prevents you from concentrating on your courses for a short time. Unfortunately, some students procrastinate and think they can catch up. That is a myth. The less you read and do your assignments, the harder you will have to work to make up for lost time.

A Marathon, Not a Sprint
If you fall behind in your reading, you’re not alone—many students do. Remember that your studies are more like a marathon than a sprint; you should take time to catch up, but do so at a steady pace. Do your assigned readings, study with others, get help, and do not give up!
© Jerome Prevost/TempSport/Corbis

If you try to stay on schedule with your assigned readings but fall behind, do not panic. Here are some suggestions for getting back on track:

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