Engaged students are those who are fully involved with the college experience and spend the time and energy necessary to learn, both in and out of class. Engaged learners who have good listening and note-taking skills get the most out of college.

You can learn by listening to a lecture, and you can better understand that lecture by considering what the information presented means to you. Practice the techniques of active learning by talking with others, asking questions in class, studying in groups, and seeking out information beyond the lecture material and required reading. Explore other information sources in the library or on the Internet. Think about how the material relates to your own life or experience. For instance, what you learn in a psychology class might help you recognize patterns of behavior in your own family, or the material presented in a sociology class may shed light on the group dynamics in a team or group to which you belong. When you are actively engaged in learning, you will not only learn the material in your notes and textbooks, but you will also build valuable skills that you can apply to college, work, and your personal life, such as:

Stay Engaged
Students of all kinds benefit from active learning strategies, whether in arts and sciences courses or professional training situations, like the one in which these military cadets are engaged.
Yana Paskova/For The Washington Post via Getty Images

Engagement in learning requires your full and active participation in the learning process. Your instructors will set the stage and provide valuable information, but it’s up to you to do the rest. For instance, if you disagree with what your instructor says, politely share your opinion. Most instructors will listen. They might still disagree with you, but they might also appreciate your efforts to think independently.

Not all instructors teach in a way that includes active learning. Ask your friends to recommend instructors who encourage students to participate in class, work in groups, explore materials independently, and otherwise engage fully in learning.

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